Chapter XI

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The orange fire crackled in the hearth, warming my face as I crouched by it. Looking guiltily into the eyes of my companions at the Westbrook's house, I wiped a tear from my eye, "this is all my fault, I should have just stayed away, those men would not have died."

"The people are crumbling under the dark prince's commands," Gisela explained, "he is breaking them with taxes and rules, he is massacring their warriors and anyone who opposes him. All be it the consequences, if you had not done what you did, the dark prince would not know what a formidable opposer you are going to be."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"His general is dead," Gisela explained, "he is going to find out, and when he finds out it was you, he will realise that you are not to be toyed with."

"It wasn't me," I admitted, "the general had me in this grip and Adar saved my life."

From across the room Essie smiled at the Archer with a mother's love in her eyes, "what a courageous man you have grown up to be."

I must have looked confused for Essie stated, "I used to watch over that little one after his mother passed and his father left for days on end. He has always made me proud."

I sighed, "I still cannot stop my mind from wandering back to the prison. This is not what we need merely a few days until the battle, hundreds of people have been murdered, husbands, sons and fathers, innocent people of Argaland. They are all dead because of one person, me. And yet I'm expected to lead the people to battle, this massacre will darken their hearts and steal their courage," I sniffed as tears again came to my eyes, "this is not what we need before the battle, this is not what we need."

"On the contrary Amirah!" Gisela's husband William exclaimed like a wonderful idea had just struck him, "this is exactly what we need! It is not favourable what happened today, yet this could be the one thing that unites the kingdom against the dark one! One last spark that will light their fire."

"Your right!" Adar declared, placing a hand on my shoulder, "take heart Amirah, this might just turn out to be for the better."


People started showing up at our door in lines, so many souls wanted to sign up for the cause that Essie, Gisela and I started giving out baked goods so that the large numbers weren't suspicious. We learned that this was not only happening at our safe house, but at the other four throughout the city, and perhaps the biggest boost to our courage was that we learned humble townsfolk were doing the same, risking their lives to become leaders amongst the people and create more safe houses. A week after the prison massacre twenty houses throughout the city served as safe houses, and to each house, people were flocking to sign up for the revolt, men and women alike.

William along with the leading men of the safe houses secretly dealt with the blacksmiths, making swords, weapons and armour. Transporting them in hay carts that farmers drove to the houses to be divided amongst the people.

It took but thirteen days for the entire city to sign up for the cause, we had seven thousand and four brave souls willing to fight to the last to end the reign of terror. The leaders of the safe houses and I met at the Westbrook's house every three days to discuss our plans and assign tasks.

Adar and the skilled men of Argaland taught the people how to fight in a secluded spot in the forest every day, the old women stitched the Kings' mark onto clothes and capes and the children were put to work collecting medicinal nuts and berries from the woods. I oversaw everything, which was a daunting task, but also inspiring.

"How is she faring?" I asked with a smile as I entered the group of twenty that Adar was teaching one day, not long before the great battle.

Essie smiled, lighting up her dark eyes as she pushed some curly chestnut hair away from her face, "I can hold my own, I'd say."

"Well done everyone, take a break for now," Adar instructed, before walking over to me, "hello princess," he greeted me with a shimmer in his eyes.

I smiled, "hello, you and the men are doing a wonderful job training the people, how long until they are ready?"

"With their spirit and eagerness, I'd say not long," Adar replied, "a few weeks at most."

"Well," I began, turning to Essie, "Gisela is going to oversee the children, but she needs someone to take her place in the kitchen, would you mind helping her with the baking?"

"Of course," Essie answered, handing her sword to Adar, "where are you off to now?"

"Everything is running smoothly in town, so I thought I'd see if there was a group that needed my help with training," I stated.

"Would you mind taking this one over for the rest of the afternoon?" Adar asked, "I want to see how the blacksmiths are faring. We still need more weapons and armour."

"Of course," I replied, "I'll see you tonight."

Adar bowed slightly and kissed my hand before walking Essie back into town. I quickly freed the smile from my face and cleared my throat, "alright everyone back to training."


I sighed heavily as I sat down on the wooden chair that night, "everything is running very well."

"That is good to hear," Essie answered, pulling up a chair beside me, "we will soon have enough garments stitched for everyone."

"And enough medicine," Gisela added, entering the room with a tray of hot food, "what of the weapons and armour?"

"It is coming along," William answered, "although we still need at least two hundred more sets. Each hay cart only carries fifty, and every trip is treacherous for the farmers, if they were to be caught, who knows what the dark prince would do to them."

"Such brave souls," I said softly, "please let them know that their princess is immensely grateful for their courage."

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