The soldier squinted his eyes at her like he was deciding if she was lying, his expression then lightened and it appeared he was about to let us through when a second soldier stepped forwards and relayed, "captain, do you not want to examine them more thoroughly? Recall you not the order we were given early this morning by our general? The princess of Argaland with striking red hair is expected to return today, and here stands before you a woman fitting her description!"

The captain nodded, "thank you Arthur," he answered and stepped closer to me, causing my skin to craw with worry, "yes... now that I think of it, you do appear very similar to the description we were given."

I clenched my teeth as I maintained eye contact with the captain, determined not to show my fear, "I am not she," I stated firmly."Yes," Akari defended me, "we know nothing of this, truly."The captain smirked, "we'll see about that," he replied before pulling his sword from its sheath and holding it to us, "you two and your 'mistress' can stay here until someone can take you to the capital for identification."

My stomach dropped with dread, we were certainly not a seamstress's associates and would be found out to be liars and consequently, the princess who had come to reclaim the land."Captain!" A strong voice called from the far left, capturing everyone's attention, "give me the women, I will question them, I am certain I can get answers."

I looked up to see a man clad in a dark cloak with a hood that obscured his face, his appearance was intimidating and ominous, but what sent fear into my heart was the symbol of the dark prince embroidered onto his cloak, the same symbol that adorned every one of these soldiers breastplates, and the general's sword that I had fought last night - an emerald-eyed snake."What do you think you can do that I cannot soldier?" The captain asked.

"First of all," the man began, "I am not a soldier, I am an elite warrior of the dark prince, so do not question me or I will have your life in a matter of seconds!"

The captain averted his gaze to the ground and nodded in humiliation, "of course sir, please do as you will with them."

Moments later, our hands were bound behind our backs and we were handed over to the warrior, fear evident in our eyes as he roughly pushed us down the path and into the forest."What are you going to do to us?" I asked frantically, fear starting to get the better of my senses."Silence!" The warrior yelled, "you speak when you are spoken to you understand me?!"

I breathed shakily and focused on keeping my footing as I was pushed through the forest with force. Soon we came to a place deep into the wood, a place I was certain was far away from any civilisation, and it frightened me greatly.

Our captor halted the progression and told us not to move as he looked for any activity that might be near; moments later he turned his attention back to us.

"Do not fear," he said gently, causing Akari, Essie and I to all glance at each other in confusion.In one swift movement, the black cloak and hood were removed to reveal the man underneath, who to our shock, could have not have seen more than twenty-five summers. He was dressed in a fawn-coloured tunic mostly covered by pads of leather; he wore dark lace-up boots, and a bow and quiver filled with feathered arrows were strapped to his back. His honey-brown hair matched his golden eyes and was tied back with a thin strip of white cloth, though a few pieces were hanging loose below his shoulders.

"I heard the news that the princess of Argaland might be returning today," he explained, "I knew the dark prince would send his soldiers everywhere throughout the kingdom in search of her, so I stole a cloak and ran to where I thought she would arrive; and not a moment too soon I see."I was still confused by the situation, "so, you are not a warrior of the dark prince?" I asked.

His eyes went wide at my querie, "most definitely I am not!" He exclaimed. "My name is Adar Clark, I would not call myself a warrior, but I do fight against the evil plage that has taken over our land - the dark prince. I am a servant to protecting the King's legacy as my father was; I have no profession, I am constantly on the move, ridding Argaland of the prince's soldiers as often as I can. I know the woods, forests and mountains like my own hand, they call me 'The archer', I can help you, your highness."

I smiled gently, the name Adar meant 'Fire', and that's what I could see burning in his heart, the flame of determination and loyalty. He then dropped to one knee in front of me, bowing his head, "I have nothing to offer you but my skill with the bow, knowledge of the land and my courage," he stated sincerely, "I am your subject, and I will help you win back the kingdom from the dark prince, if you allow it."Such gratefulness filled my heart at his words that I reached for Adar's arm and pulled him to his feet, "I will gladly accept your help, but I have one condition," I declared, "you will not bow to me, not ever. Whoever is willing to risk their life to help me regain the kingdom has earned their right to be called a friend, not a subject."

~ For Argaland ~Where stories live. Discover now