~~ Expect the Unexpected ~~

Start from the beginning

The last person I was expecting to bump into was her...Jenna—his wife. I gulped; words failed me.

She mumbled something 'sorry' I thought? But as quick as she'd been standing right in front of me; she was gone. Disappeared around the corner like grease lightning, leaving me stood staring at the grey tiled floor.

Should I go after her? See what had upset her? My feet itched to chase her down, but I curled my toes, planting myself to the spot.

Perhaps Tony had received some bad news?

Nah, Ma had said they hoped he would leave hospital in the next few weeks.

Remaining still and going against everything inside me that was screaming at me, insisting I go after her, I turned and continued my journey to the elevator. A sweet old lady held the door for me.

"What floor can I press for you, dear?" she questioned.

I swiped my phone to get the details. Room 209. "Oh, yeah... sorry, third floor please sweetheart."

She smiled warmly with the addition of a faint blush to her pale cheeks. "It's been quite a few years since someone called me that."

"Nah, I don't believe you.  A young pretty lady like yourself." She covered her mouth, stifling a giggle. She must have been touching eighty.

"I just think you made my day, young man."

I winked, tipping my head, before relaxing against the wall of the elevator. But my mind was anything but  relaxed as Jenna's green eyes bubbling with tears, blistered my brain. It replaced the image I had of her from their wedding day... that perfect image of her radiating happiness. The one that had haunted my dreams for years.

Stepping from the elevator, I looked left and right. Room 209, the text from my mother stated. I turned left. As I passed two nurses, I heard one of them mention Jenna's name. I slowed my pace as I walked past them.

"Did you see JennaMrs Valentino,  leave?" the blonde nurse asked the other.  Panic in her voice. I stopped walking, turning towards them.

"Yes, she more of less ran out the room like something was on fire.... Let's hope it was that asshole of a husband that was on fire." She giggled, looking around to check no one was privy to her words.

"Shit!" she cursed as her eyes fell to me. "Sorry, excuse my language. Can I help you?"

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, ladies."

"Anytime for you handsome," said the smaller dark-haired nurse.

The blonde nurse nudged her.

"What? I was only saying," snappily replying. She smiled brightly towards me, her brows raised as she ran her tongue across her lips.

I returned her smile; charm might get me the information I needed. "Ladies. You were talking about Jenna, as in Tony's Valentino's wife?"

The blonde nurse stood straighter, her eyes trailing the length of me, unsure if she should answer my question.

I held up my hands in mock submission. "Look, I'm not looking for any trouble, I might be able to help."

"Yes, she's a friend. And you are?"

"Family. Do you know what just happened? She seemed upset when I just passed her downstairs."

Her eyes went wide as the blood seeped through to her cheeks. "No, I'm sorry. I don't know."

She was lying. Well, only one way to find out. "Excuse me, ladies, and thanks for your time."

I walked by each room counting up the numbers. 209... here we go.

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