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it's kind of crazy how life works, isn't it? some things are meant to be and some aren't. some things work out and some don't. sometimes, things happen purely by chance that can lead to something great. something big. something nearly impossible. that's now i met the jonas brothers.

i'm eliana, elly for short. my father is the head of a huge management company that runs the music industry for some artists. he's always been busy at work and it's become a norm for him to be away from home for months and months since i was young. he's been in this line of work years before i was born and he takes pride in his job. he wants me to take over the company when i'm older, but i'm not interested. i'm more into artsy stuff like creative teaching, but i've stopped arguing with him over this years ago- he's stubborn, just like me. right now, i want to enjoy the moments i have in school. school's not as boring as it sounds; because i have amazing friends and teachers right by my side. but it's not easy, because my dad takes me out of school, sometimes for months at a time, to go with him as he tours with whatever artist he's working with. of course, i've met some pretty famous people. taylor swift, rihanna, bruno mars... you name it. 

and i've become pretty popular at school, too. people always ask me to get autographs for them, and i always say yes. sometime's it's pretty overwhelming, but i'm really lucky that no one sucks up to me or befriends me just to pull some strings and meet some famous people. this year, my dad plans to take me out of school from feburary to april. i'll be missing out on a lot of school work but my teachers have online lessons available. but still. i'd miss my friends, and online school was nothing like school in real life. i couldn't care less about my dad's job, honestly. it was his job and not mine, but he thought that he could convince me to pursue his job if he dragged me along. i didn't even know which artist he was touring with yet, but it didn't matter either way. even if i was a fan of theirs, i knew from experience that i'd barely get a chance to see or talk to them. when i was on tour with my dad, i mainly stayed in a small room in the tour bus and attended online lessons while we were travelling. at the actual concert, i was allowed to go to the vip booth to watch whoever it was perform, but i wasn't interested. 

all in all, i detested going on tour with my dad. don't get me wrong; i didn't hate my dad; i loved him and i was close with my parents and siblings. but i sure hated missing classes and having a normal life all because my dad wanted me to join his line of work. i didn't see a point in travelling around the world cooped up in a tour bus and occasionally getting out to go backstage or attend a concert that i didn't even like. 

but all that was about to change.

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