03 // []

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I got out of the taxi and ran up to where I saw familiar green hair. He saw me and waved in my derection, smiling.
"Hey, killua!" He ran over and I waved back.
"Well where do you want to go- I could just show you around so you get the hang of things around here"
I nodded "That sounds great"
We walked around the full streets for a little bit until I saw a chocolate store.
"Hey... umm gon?" He looked at me.
"What's up?"
"Can we go in there?" I mumbled, pointing to the store.
"Haha, of course! I didn't realize you liked chocolate, what ones your favorite?"
"I like chocolate robots" I said, blushing. They were usually door little kids.
"Oh, I've never heard of them. They sound good though!" Gon led me to the store and I ran in.
The smell of chocolate hit my nose as I walked through the door. The isles had so many chocolates that I had never even heard of before.
It was heaven.
"Yeah, this is my new favorite store" I said and gon laughed.
I got that feeling again.
I shook it off and tried to find the robot chocolates.
"Hmm, there not here-" I was just saying to gon when a familiar streak of color cought my eye.
I saw them, sitting behind the counter.
"Why are they back there?" I whisper asked gon.
"Hmm? I don't know, why don't you just go ask for one?"
"But I want ten, and that's embarrassing to say."
Gon cracked up "you want ten?? Ok I'll ask for you but only if I get one too!"
I nodded and he walked up the the cashier.
"Hey, can I get ten chocolate robots- it's for my friend" he whispered pointing to me.
I thought I would be mad at him for saying that but I was more stuck on the fact that he called me a friend.
Once he payed he walked back over and handed me the bag.
"Gon, am I really your friend?"
"Hmm? Oh uhh I mean if you want" he said nervously.
"Of course!"
I have a friend I have never had one before!
We both munched on our chocolate and continued to walk.
Gon took me to so many places. He showed me his favorite restaurants and parks, he even showed me his favorite shop to buy medicine in this small town.
It made me happy though- being with him, he was such a kind hearted person , I don't think he would hurt a fly.
"Killua- did you hear me??" I looked up.
"Huh? Sorry what did you say?"
"I said, look at that arcade, it's my favorite place in the whole town!" He looked so excited that it made me happy.
What are all these feelings?? I think it's just that I've never had a friend before... and now that I do I'm not used to it...?
"Nice! We should go there sometime" I said and he nodded, checking his watch.
"Oh god, it's been a lot longer then I thought, we should head back, mito wanted me to help with dinner." I nodded and we made our way to a bus.
The bus made things really awkward. I sat by the window, watching the streets go by as gon went on his phone, having nothing else to do.
Once the bus billed onto the long dirt road it stopped and me and gon jumped off.
"That was really fun gon, thanks!" I told him and put my hands in no pockets.
"Of course!" He said, putting his phone away.
"We should do something like that again soon!" Gon said and I nodded
"Sounds good!" I walked up to my driveway and turned to see him waving back.
As soon as I walked through the front doors I went up to my room and collapsed onto my bed.
That was fun but exhausting.
I got out my phone and checked the time. It was only 3:40.
I curled up intoxicated ball and fell asleep.

Right when I woke up in the morning and checked my phone, you know what? There was yet another text from gon.


Gon} hey my aunt asked me to envite your family to dinner tonight, how does that sound?

Me} good

I turned my phone off and went downstairs to my parents room and asked them if we could eat at gons house and they said yes.
Why is he inviting me over so much, we literally just met.

Later that day I was headed to the big yellow house down the street.
Here I come, gon.
We got to the door and everyone in my family made me knock since I knew gon.
I grumbled, but knocked on the door.
"Coming!" I heard a shout through the door.
"Gon hurry up!" I heard.
"Sorry!- hey!" He said as he opend the door.
"Yo!" I said as all my family behind me smiled awkwardly
"Come in! We're having spaghetti" he said and we all walked in.
"Hello, how are you guys?" Mito asked.
"We're good, how about you?" My mom asked and the grownup conversation started.
I rolled my eyes and walked up to gon.
"You wanna do something?" He asked.
"Sure" I said, twirling my white strands.
"Ok, let's go to my room" he led all the kids except illumi up to his room and grabbed a game shoved in his closet.
"Let's play Pictionary!" He got out a white board and some dry erase markers and then he picked up a card.
"Ok, you all know how to play, right?" I nodded.
"Ok, well I'll start."
He started to draw what looked like a turtle with some sort of earplugs on.
"Umm... a turtle?" I asked and he smiled but nodded no.
"A rainbow?" Alluka asked.
How does that look like a rainbow?!
"Nope!" Gon said and started to giggle as he added on a body.
"A hamburger?" Milluki asked and I glared at him.
"Milluki not everything's a hand burger" I said.
"Well do you guys give up?" Gon asked smirking.
"Yeah" we all said.
"Well you know the cartoon chimera ant?" We all nodded.
"It's supposed to be the king, meruem from it!" We all started to laugh at the lack of resemblance between gons drawing and meruem.
"It's not that bad!" Gon mumbled and then started to laugh. "I guess it is..."
"My turn!" Milluki shouted and grabbed a card.
He started to draw what looked like a hamburger.
"Milluki-" I started to say "I promise it's not a hamburger!" He said.
"Is it a fish?" Alluka asked and he shook his head.
"A spider?" Gon asked and he nodded.
"That looks nothing like a spider milluki! Plus, it has 12 legs!"
"I forgot how many legs a spider had." Milluki grumbled and we all laughed.
"Do you wanna go kalluto?" Gon asked, noticing how quiet he was being.
"No not really-" he was cut off by our parents shouting that dinner was ready.
"Let's go!" We all went downstairs and took our spots at the table.
"Yum!" I said once we had ate everything.
"I'm glad you liked it!" Mito said.
"Yeah it was amazing!" My dad said and she smiled.
My mom checked her watch and gasped.
"Oh my, I'm sorry but I have someone coming by to help with a broken faucet, we should be going" she said and mito nodded.
"Oh course, that's fine! We should do this again sometime!" My mom nodded and quickly rushed us out the door.
"Bye gon!" I said and he waved before the door was shut.
That was fun!

My first love // [killugon]Where stories live. Discover now