🖤The reasoning 🖤

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Ok lemme give y'all a Lil run down ok
Ok so what had happens was me and gabby were otw to the only class we have together which is history which is taught by this racist ass man so one day we walked into the class and he was talking about slavery and decided to say the n word with a hard R me and gabby went to the dean and she did nothing so I called my aunt she said even tho she didn't wanna pay for gabby tuition to go to Auburn but she eventually did our mom cut off all ties with us and here we are I'm moving all of my things into a down with gabby and a girl named Lola

My phone rung
Coach 🏀
Wsp coach
Hey Shay how's Lola
How'd you know she's my roommate
That my daughter
Y'all resemble each other
Thank you
She just doesn't have the bald spot
Oh you got jokes kid
But come down to the gym I want you to meet some of the others on the boys and girls team
Alr I'm coming down

Call Ended

You the coaches daughter
I kinda see it
Minus the bald spot
You a trip
You comin to the gym
Naw ion hoop
Oh ok

I put on some green shorts a t shirt a hoodie abs some slides and grabbed my beats and green kyrie 4s Andy hair in a slick back puff and took the elevator down
Fuck I don't have a car or know where I'm going

R00mie (Lola🙃)
Hey my beautiful loving roomie
Whatchu want
Well ya know I kinda don't have a car and kinda don't know where
Oh I gotchu
Thank you

Call Ended

She came down and we got in a Range Rover
Oh ok girl got her a range
Girl you are a mess
Why thank you
You need to pay attention to the road so you know where your going
You right

At the gym

I walked in with my beats over my head and texting gabby making sure she was good and letting my aunt know everything is and that I needed a car she was like ok I'll have lotto bring you one I just said ok
I was vibing listen to polo g choosen 1
Until I got tapped I jumped and dropped all of my stuff
Shit coach
Watcho mouth
My bad
Alr this is the girls team and be nice
I'm always nice
You a lie
Hey yall
Hi I'm Kayla
I'm Jayla No we're not sisters
I'm Layla
That alot of aylas
Well I guess I'm an original I'm Isis
That's pretty
Thank you
Hi I'm daisy
Ello mate I'm Mellissa
Hey I'm the only regular person here khiya
And the last and final person Georgia
that's pretty
Why thank you
Why your welcome

Come meet the boys
Alr coming
Gotta go

After meeting the boys

Somebody's missing
Ok I'll meet them later
Then the door opened it was kehlani and the one person I never thought I'd run into sharife cooper
You know sharife right
Yep and old friend
Alr you've meet everybody
Ok cool I put my beats on and was putting on my shoes until I felt a tap I looked up it was kehlani
You remember me
Yes you look the same
Ok just wanted to make sure you knew rifes mine
Ok........ is that all
Ok bye
I grabbed a ball and started shooting around on a different hoop than everybody else until somebody started shooting I looked to my left it was Isaac I think Isaac
Isaac right
Yes Shay if I'm not mistaking
No ankle breaker
Oh you got it like that
You'll find out soon
I guess so
When do y'all's games start
about a month
Oh ok
I put my beats back on
And kept shooting around while humming the lyrics through da storm until I got tapped
Hey we were wondering if you wanted to play a scrimmage with us
Yea fosho
Alr we picking teams
Team 1 Team 2
Shay Rife
Isaac Isis
Kayla Malic
Allen Layla

I had to be guarded isis I was point guard Isaac throw me the ball and isis was there when I turned damn bruh wtf I started dribbling and went behind my back and changed directions she fell I kept going and got to the three line and splashed a deep three and did the three guitar
And guarded isis she looked down when dribbling she was going slow I grabbed the ball and did a behind the back layup
What are we going too
How many we got
1s and 2s yessuhh
Alr say less
I guarded isis until some big ass mf set a screen
Aye switch
I was now guarding rife he was about to shoot a three I blocked it I seen Isaac running behind me
Isaac ally
I throw the ball up off the back bored he grabbed it and dunked it
Turn me up Isaac
The coach came out from watching in his office and isis is taking the ball down I got her at half court she swong it to malic he drained a three
Issac passed the ball into me I ran down the court dribbling Isaac trailing towards me I hit a between the legs cross and went down the lane and did a left hand jelly and got fouled and hit the ground all you heard were ohhhsss and ahhhhhhsss and I wasn't injured I just wanted to be dramatic I rolled over and got up and yelled and one
Bro your on drugs
How you get fouled like that and just get up
I got ice in my vains
Bruh your tough enough to lay with the boys the girls not gon be able to handle you on the court
I know that's why I'm glad she transferred
Wait time out
You transferred
They had some racist ass teachers that said the n word hard r towards my sister so here we are and my sister plays for the volleyball team when ever there games are
Oh that's dope
Aye me and the guys and some of the girls are getting food do you wanna go
Foshoo food sounds nice
Alr let's go

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