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1. Although this aesthetic isn't negative, it has come under scrutiny recently due to the underlying encouragement of classist/elitists attitudes, which includes common work being "inferior" mental work, and unhealthy behavior, including the sacrifice of sleep, relationships, mental health, and hygiene for study. 

2. Even though this aesthetic is primarily European, every culture is welcome to participate and find ways to blend their heritage with this aesthetic. Do not feel discouraged that you are not "Dark Academic enough" to identify with this aesthetic just because of where you come from. 

3. The Style Guide is a recommendation, not a strict uniform. It is meant to inspire your individual style, not force it. Do not feel inadequate if you cannot own everything featured on the list, they are merely suggestions and you have the final decision as to what you can afford and purchase. If you prefer to dress strictly to the guide, that is up to you, but if you prefer to just take inspiration and wear bits and pieces that is perfectly fine.

4. There is no place for any type of shaming and bullying within the community, whether it be against race, religion, sexuality, ability, etc., it is not welcome. The academic community is here for anyone who holds an appreciation for learning and wisdom. 

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