When it snows there is...

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(A/N: Thank all of you for reading so much.  Please vote and fan.  Also COMMENT!  Saying what you want to see next and maybe a dedication will be in your future.  Updating early in honor of Blizzard Juno hitting me and @skysurfer in New England.  Hearts out to everyone who's prep school didn't get cancelled) 

1. The kid that has literally never seen snow (it's magical the first time buddy)

2. The weathered New England born students (hardly giving a bother, sometimes wearing sandals)

3. The walking layers: oxford, sweater, sweatshirt, vest, jacket, scarf, hat, gloves, etc. 

4. The romantic couple (the weather does not give you an excuse to act that cute and adorable, stop sharing your damn cocoa!)

5. The Instagram famous/ artsy person snapping photos of the snow

6. The dedicated dining hall goer (even if they live ten minutes from the DHall they need their omelet before first period) 

Tell me if I missed anyone and I'll add them.  Good luck with the SNOW!  STAY SAFE PLEASE!  COMMENT! 

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