Boarding school relationships you see...

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1. The couple that started dating within the first week of school (that's definitely going to work out).

2. The adorable senior couple that you look at with a creepy obsession hoping to be as cute as them one day.

3. The stable couple in your grade, enough said.

4. The couple that does everything together (she can go to the bathroom alone).

5. Your relationship.  Yeah.  He's right over there.  The really hot guy in the nice clothes on the Dean's List and the varsity track team.  He doesn't know.  But you're together.  

6. The senior who's boyfriend was a year older so he's at college.  But they're still together.  

7. That freshman and the upperclassmen.  It's creepy.  

8. That guy grinded on her during the dance.  Yep, it's official she says.  

9. The forever together Asian couple.  

10. The couple where they each go to a different prep school.  (Awkward if they're rivals.  Exeter/Andover and Choate/Deerfield.  It's all fun and games until pep rally). 

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