When they landed on my covers, I bounced up at least an inch off my mattress. I grabbed one of my pillows and started to smack the hell out of them with it. "Get your asses off my bed!"

Phoenix was laughing so hard that he could barely breathe, and that quickly made him my main target.

"Hey," He put his hands up over his head protectively. "I'm not the only one here."

"Then get off my bed Nixie," I giggled.

He raised a brow, smiling at me before I shoved the pillow into his face.

Ryder jumped up to his feet. "Alright, alright, we retreat."

"Was there glitter on that pillow?" Nix started to spit, sticking his tongue out.

"Yep," I said with amusement in my eyes.

"Agh, it's all over my face," He wiped around his eyes with his arm as Ryder bursts out laughing. "You think it's funny, Ry?"

He nodded with a goofy grin. "Yeah, but you should totally leave the glitter. It suits your ugly mug."

Phoenix snatched the pillow from my hands and chucked it at Ryder.

I sat there, shaking my head at the two of them. "Children." Once they finally stopped joking around, I raised my brow. "So, why is it that you two are in here getting sweat all over my room?"

Ryder looked over at me. "We just got back from a run."

"Ew, that sounds horrible. It's way too early for that."

"Scar, it's 11 in the morning," Nix said.

"Like I said, too early," I gave him a sassy little smile as he shook his head, chuckling.

"Anyways, we came to tell you to go get ready because we got plans today," Ryder explained.

"Who's we?" I asked curiously.

"Me, Nix, you, and the other dweebs."

I glanced between them. "Last I checked, the only plans I had were with our couch."

"Well, now your plans are with us," Phoenix chimed in with a smile.

"What are we doing exactly?" I playfully squinted my eyes.

Ryder sat down on the edge of my bed. "Nix and I were talking earlier...we both feel shitty for ditching you on the first night we were home when we should have just stayed and celebrated with you."

"Even though you came and crashed the party anyway," Phoenix added.

My brows slightly furrowed. "Hey, I did not crash it." He smirked back at me teasingly.

Ryder spoke up again, taking my focus off Nix. "So, we decided that today we were all going out."

"Where to?" I wondered.

"You know what just opened up last week?" He asked as I shook my head. "The fair."

I sat up straighter, feeling a little ping of excitement. "Oh yeah, I totally forgot! We are going to go today?"

Pheonix nodded. "Yep. You were always the one that made sure we went every year, and it was one of our favorite memories with the gang, so we thought you might like to go."

My eyes lit up. "Really? Only the seven of us...no outsiders?" I raised an anxious brow.

"No one but our group. Just like old times," Ryder said happily.

"Yay," I smiled from ear to ear as I jumped out of bed.

"Or would you rather stay home with your couch?" Nix teased.

Out of His League: Book Two (18+)Where stories live. Discover now