Chapter 15- You Are Never Alone

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author's note: hi! so, in this chapter, i reveal that elizabeth was raped in college. there will be a trigger warning before that scene if that is something that bothers you. i just wanted to clarify that this is not me using sexual assault as a romantic trope.
i was molested myself when i was younger and i felt like this was an important aspect to elizabeth's character. i know my experience changed me in many ways and i wanted to write a character that people could relate to. someone that goes through things they go through, or feels the same way they do.
i want all of you to know that you are not alone. you are not worth less or damaged because of what you've been through. there was a long time where i felt that way and i know only like three people read this story, but if i can help even a couple people feel seen or validated, i just think that would be really nice. i definitely could've used that when i was going those difficult times.
please, feel free to hmu if you ever need someone to talk to. you are loved and valued.
enjoy the chapter <3

We walk into the club together and we spot Viper. "Remember, we have to act at least a little interested, so no flashing your gun," Emily teases. I roll my eyes and nod before heading over to grab a drink.

"I'll just take a water," I say to the bartender and he nods. I lean against the bar, looking around the club. My gaze halts, however, seeing Emily talking to Viper. "She's really laying it on thick," I say to myself.

"Your water," I hear the bartender say from behind me. "Oh, thanks," I reply, turning around and picking the water up. I look back over to them and see him take a step closer to her. I decide now would be a good time to interrupt and I walk over to them and set my glass of water down on the table.

Viper turns to look at me and chuckles seeing my face. "You brought your little guard dog," he says. I grin at him with a hint of annoyance and he takes a sip of his drink, clearly thrown off guard by my presence.

Just the way I wanted it to be.

"So, you promised if I met you on your turf, you'd show me something special. Let's see it," Emily says. "Yeah, Viper. Who gets pushed and who gets pulled tonight?" I say, leaning closer to him and raising my eyebrows.

"Alright. Fireball, come here for a second," he says gesturing to me. I hesitantly switch places with Emily and he leans closer to me.

"You see, eye contact is a very powerful gauge. It's why you tend to look away from someone you're attracted to because you know instinctively what a dead giveaway it is," Viper says staring into my eyes. "But your brain goes there anyway. Images, fantasies-" I interrupt his arrogant suggestion.

"Don't flatter yourself," I say. "The eyes don't lie. They dilate. It's a chemical response. We can't control it," Viper says.

My acting must've been a little too good because Emily interrupts us. "Okay, 15 seconds," she says and I turn to her. I could've sworn she looked jealous.

"Okay, what do you see?" I ask her. "Nope. No change. No dilation," Emily answers. "I guess we're not chemically a match," I say to Viper. "Only because you have someone else on your mind," Viper says and I feel myself stiffen a little.

"Once that happens, the attraction center in the brain shuts down," he says. "You know we studied psychology, right? Your made up facts about the female brain don't fool us, Viper," I say, but he simply shrugs it off and turns to face Emily.

"Your turn," he says. "No," she shakes her head and he chuckles. "Are you scared I might be right?" he teases and I take a sip of my drink and roll my eyes.

"No, Paul, I'm baffled. I cannot figure out what the unsub could've learned from you," Emily comments and I smirk a little. "What do you mean? He took my look, my words, everything that makes me successful to the opposite sex," he says defensively.

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