Chapter 11- Flames

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author's note: hi again. i wanted to add before i continue with chapter 11, that i got the idea of mixing in an actual episode of criminal minds into my story from another wattpad author. their username is @lecoiiaa and i got the idea from their story titled, "Or What, Sir?". it's a hotch fanfic and i totally recommend if you're into that. don't worry though, i will still be mixing in original cases as well.
also, i know i said i wouldn't update til like next weekend, but i ended up writing A LOT last night so i figured i might as well publish this chapter.
so, now that that's out of the way, please enjoy the next chapter of "The New Girl".

We worked a local case dealing with a serial rapist. It didn't take much work to figure out who the unsub was, he wasn't very smart. I had noticed Emily's new haircut while we were working the case. She didn't look prettier, because she was already beautiful before, but she looked different. Good different. The bangs framed her face well. Which made me even more sad about our "break-up", if you can even call it that.

When we finished the case, her and Reid left for an undercover investigation at a separatarian ranch in La Plata County, Colorado. I'm not gonna lie; I was glad to get a break from seeing her at work. After what happened between us, it just hurt to see her. That was until a certain news report came on at the BAU headquarters and everything changed.

"Morgan," JJ calls urgently, turning on the TV. "What's up?" he says before we all turn to see what she had turned the TV on for.

"What is reportedly being called a routine questions and answer meeting by Colorado Child Services, has turned into a violent and deadly stand off between Colorado Authorities and a fringe religious group known as the Separatarian Sect," the news reporter on the tv says.

"Oh my god," I say under my breath as I realize what this means. "JJ, that's not the ranch where Prentiss and Reid-" Morgan begins before being interrupted by JJ saying, "they're still inside". My heart drops to my stomach as Morgan yells, "Hotch!". Hotch hangs up his phone and rushes out of his office along with Rossi. "The TV," Morgan says, gesturing to the news report, "Prentiss and Reid".

I slowly stand up, still focused on what the news reporter is saying.

"No one knows for sure how many people are inside, it is believed at least three of the Child Service Members are still trapped within the compound," the reporter continues.

I cover my face with my hands. Phones all around the office begin to ring as Hotch declares, "Alright, that means we're the lead with hostage rescue and support. Let's go". I stay frozen, staring at the footage on the TV.

The team begins collecting their things quickly. "Elizabeth," JJ says softly, placing a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my gaze. I turn to her as she says, "We gotta go. I know this is hard, but we can't help them if we don't focus". I nod and begin collecting my things as well.

We board the jet only 10 minutes after the announcement and we take off soon after.

On the plane, the team continues to watch the news footage live at the scene.

"... Turned deadly when the Colorado State Police tried to serve a warrant. Colorado Attorney, Jim Wells, says the reclusive cult has been the subject of a six-month weapons investigation," the reporter says.

"Six months? We didn't check?" Morgan asks JJ. "No, we checked. I had ATF call Wells. He told ATF there were no pending state investigations. He lied," JJ replies. "What?" I say confused. "Why?" Rossi chimes in.

"Wells is challenging the governor in the next election. He thought that ATF was about to poach his big election-launching weapons bust," JJ explains. I scoff and Morgan shakes his head.

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