Chapter 10- Doctor's Orders

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author's note: hey, everyone. i decided to try something new with chapter and change from second person to first person. let me know how you like it. it's a lot easier for me to write this way for some reason. also, i know this chapter is shorter and i'm sorry about that. i've been busy lately with schoolwork and anxiety about the election (spoiler alert: we fucking won. fuck that orange twat). i'm gonna try to update by next weekend, and hopefully this time it will be a longer chapter. thanks. enjoy :).

I got home late that night. Around 2:00 or 3:00am. After fumbling with my keys and finally getting the door open, I walked over to my couch and plopped down onto the soft cushions. I needed a shower, but I didn't want to deal with the hassle of trying to shower with my shoulder injury. I took my shoes and socks off and got into my bed; still wearing my clothes and fell asleep.

I woke up around 11:00am the next morning. My shoulder pain had gotten worse so I took some pills to relieve some of the aching. After taking a shower, I wrap a towel around my body and step in front of my mirror, looking at my shoulder.

It's bruised and a little swollen, but it doesn't look too bad. I brush my hair and decide to leave it in a messy bun for the remainder of the day. I put on an oversized gray sweatshirt and black sweatpants. They're old and stained, but they're comfortable.

Taking a sip of my morning coffee I step outside my apartment to collect the mail that I had left sitting outside my door last night. As I bend over to pick it up, I hear a door close.

"Hey! You're back!" Angie says.
"Yeah. I got back late last night," I reply before accidentally dropping the stack of mail on the floor again. "Dammit, sorry," I sigh, bending down to pick it up again. Angie rushes over to help me. She's always been sweet like that.

"What happened to your arm?" she says as she follows me into my apartment to set the mail down. "Oh, um I dislocated my shoulder out in the field," I say, embarrassed. "Shit, are you okay?" she says, resting her hand on my non-injured shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't work for a week and I have to use this stupid sling for a while," I groan, taking another sip of my coffee.

I've never trusted doctors. I've never trusted anyone really.

"I'm sorry. I can stay and help you out, if you want?" Angie suggests, her caring, hazel eyes looking over me. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine," I reply. I'm not one to ask for help... ever.

"Really, Elizabeth. It's no big deal. Today's my day off and I don't want you to exhaust yourself when I'm around to help out," she says tilting her head. I decide that maybe having an extra hand couldn't hurt and I let her stay.

"Did you want some coffee?" I ask, walking into my small kitchen. "Oh no, that's okay. I don't drink coffee anymore. Well, I don't drink caffeinated coffee anymore," Angie says, taking her jacket off and hanging it on a hook by the front door.

"Wow, that must be hard. I wouldn't survive without caffeine. I have to be up at all hours of the night for cases and without caffeine, it'd probably take my team weeks to find an unsub," I chuckle, laughing at the idea of the team without coffee.

"So, did you catch the unsub or whatever you call them on your last case?" Angie asks, walking over to my couch. "Yeah. I was in the hospital so, fortunately, I never got to meet the scumbag," I say taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch as Angie.

"What did he do?" Angie questions. "Trust me, you don't want to know," I mumble, downing the last bit of coffee left in my 'I heart NY' mug. I don't even like New York. It was a gift from my asshole ex boyfriend.

"Well, whatever he did, I'm glad you caught him," Angie says, resting the side of her head in her palm. "So, how's the single life?" I ask, teasing her. "Well, Benny has kept me company, so I haven't been too lonely," Angie says.

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