Chapter Ten: Timing Is Everything

Start from the beginning

"So you leave this morning right (n/n)?" The setter asks and I nod.

"Yeah, I have to get back for uh- a thing." I say keeping the fact I'm going to the festival on the down low. I have a gut feeling that Oikawa wouldn't let me leave if he knew I was going out with a guy.

"Do you have to leave so soon?" He asks me, pouting like an absolute child.
"Why not stay a little longer? You could come stay at my place for a few days." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"I told you Oikawa, I have places to be. And even if I was staying longer, I don't think I'd want to stay with you." I say and I hear Iwaizumi snicker in the background. Oikawa groans and I laugh a little, putting my dishes away.

"C'mon you big baby, come help me pack." I say walking upstairs and Oikawa following diligently.

I step into the room and grab a few things from the draws, putting them in my bag. Oikawa huffs and flops onto the bed, turning his head and watching my movements. After a few minutes I stop folding my clothes. Oikawa is uncharacteristically quiet and it's beginning to make me suspicious. I turn around sharply and meet his eyes.

An unsettled feeling begins to rise in my stomach but I can't look away. He keeps staring me down and he runs his tongue over his lips before sighing and looking at the roof.

"Why do you have to leave me (y/n)..." he whispers, his voice serious and cutting into the quiet atmosphere of the room.

"And why.....why do I want you to stay so badly." He finishes, turning his head again and looking at me directly.
I look to the ground and shrug my shoulders. The feeling in my stomach increases.


"-Tōru, you said you'd call me Tōru when it was just us." His voice goes low and my heart gets faster.

"I-I don't know-" I say glancing across his face.

"Please." He says, his voice as soft as I've ever heard it.
"I just want to hear you say it to me, I want to hear what it would be like if...." His sentence piters out and he rubs his hand over his face.

"If what?" I ask quietly.
He sighs again and I wonder if asking that was a bad thing. Something inside tells me I need to know the answer though, so I wait.
He moves into a sitting position and rakes his hands through his hair.

"If, you know.... ugh." He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly,
"I want to know what it would be like if we were together, as a couple. Just this once." He says and his eyes lock with mine, he looks small. He doesn't look sure about himself, his mask has fallen for me.

Something like guilt pools inside of me making my chest tight and my stomach churn. I may have liked Oikawa in the past, but that's it. It was the past.
Breaking that to him however is not an easy task.
I open my mouth and meet Oikawa's eyes once again,

"Look, you know I like someone else, I'm not going to pretend I don't. I don't want you to get your heart attached to something like this when it probably won't end up the way you want it to." I take a breath and continue,

"You're my friend, and I love you like that. You know that too. I don't want to see you get hurt, ever, and I'm just trying to protect you, okay?" My voice gets softer,
"Don't get attached to something that isn't yours. Please Oikawa."

His lips turn into a firm line and he looks at the roof again.
My chest is tight, I said the truth but it doesn't mean it didn't hurt me a little too. I know Oikawa and I know how he feels, it's all or nothing with him. His heart is already invested in me, I just wish I realised sooner so I could tell him to back off.
I hear him sigh, he rubs his hands on his thighs and has his gaze firmly on the floor.

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