Chapter Seven: Reunion

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"(y/n), you ready yet?" Grandpa yells up the staircase. I grab my backpack and duffle bag slinging them both over my shoulders. My hand now only having a small bruise on it is not a big hinderance to me.
Excitement and adrenaline is the only reason I am physically awake and moving at 4:00 in the morning.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I yell back heading down the stairs. Grandma is standing in the hallway fixing Grandpa's jacket before he opens the door.

"See you Sunday night Grandma." I say smiling and she hugs me.

"Have fun and look after yourself, eat three meals a day okay?" She tells me and I laugh,

"I will grandma, I promise." I reassure and head out to the car. Grandpa drives me down to the bus station and drops me off just outside.

"Thanks for dropping me off Grandpa."

"It's okay, look after yourself and don't forget to have fun (y/n)." He says and I smile.

"Yeah Grandpa, I will." I say earning one of Grandpa's rare wide smiles and hopping out of the car. He winds down the window and I grab my bag out of the backseat. 

"Bye Grandpa." I say waving.

"See you later, kid." He says driving off. I chuckle beginning to walk into the station letting the street lamps light my way. I yawn and snuggle into my scarf trying to keep warm in the early morning frost.

I get everything sorted and I'm on the bus with a little bit of time to spare. I sit down and put my bags next to me. The bus isn't packed so I don't feel guilty about taking an extra seat. Putting my headphones on I buckle down for the five hour trip to Sukagawa.

I made plans to meet up with Mrs Iwazami and Hajime at Sukagawa. Mrs Iwazumi was very happy to pick me up when I asked, even if she had to leave quite a bit earlier than someone should ever have to get up.

Luckily everyone of the Iwaizumi household are morning people.
Hajime has a horrible habit of waking me up before I feel like it, and also happens to have scars gifted to him from early morning me. I apologised afterwards but he's learnt his lesson and now only sends Oikawa in if he has no other choice but to wake me up.

I look out the window and watch the world begin to pass by. The rhythmic movement of the bus and the quiet chatter of other passengers begins to make my eyelids droop.
Before I pass out and forget, I set an alarm for 7 o'clock so I don't sleep through my stop and finally I let sleep take over.

~Time skip to 8:00 am~

I thank the driver, step off the bus and rub my eyes.
A beautiful, gorgeous, baby joined the bus ride and hour and a half into the trip and let's just say it sounded as happy as I was to be awake this early, but much, much louder. The only thing that was good about a screaming baby was the fact that I got to see the sunrise but that is nowhere as nice as sleep is.

Due to the lack of sleep I had on the ride, I was keeping my mouth shut so I don't insult anyone. When the Iwaizamis show up excitement will take over the saltiness but until then it's after for me to stay quiet.
I sluggishly move to the carpark entrance and take out my phone to text Iwa.

I'm finally here for whenever you able to pick me up.
Thanks again. I owe you one.

I hit send and yawn yet again.
'I'm gonna sleep for a year after this week's over' I think and lean against a wall, putting my duffle bag down next to me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, listening to some birds squawking in the distance. Their noises get louder and I open my eyes. I chuckle when I see crows land in front of me.

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