08 | Rapunzel

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Graciela was sitting on the couch in the living of the Boarding House, thinking about everything that's been on her mind.

It feels like she's drowning in her thoughts between the annoying questions about The Originals, and constantly replaying everything Rose had said to her.

Rose bringing up 1864 forced her to acknowledge what she has been desperately trying to ignore for the last century. She's spent most of her life pretending that Stefan and Damon leaving after they turned meant nothing to her, and that it doesn't bother her how they never bring it up.

It does bother her, a lot.

Ever since they left, she's been completely on her own.

There were times when she wanted nothing more than to see both of her brothers again. However, she knew the chance of even being in a room with both of them together was unlikely due to their stupid feud.

Out of curiosity, she decided to return to Mystic Falls a few months ago to see how much it has changed since her last visit. When she stopped by to visit her nephew, Zack, she never expected to find Stefan and Damon chasing around a girl that looked exactly like Katherine.

Damon entered the living room and walked straight towards the bar cart. His brows scrunched together when his eyes landed on his sister who appeared to be lost in thought, absentmindedly messing with her daylight ring.

"What's wrong with you?" Her eyes shot over to the raven haired vampire as he poured himself a glass of bourbon.

She rolled her eyes at the lack of concern in his voice. "Nothing. I'm fine."

He narrowed his eyes at the blonde, bringing his glass to his lips. He shrugged it off and took a sip of his drink, deciding it was probably nothing important.

Gracie felt a pang in her chest at how easily he dropped it, almost like he didn't even care to begin with.

"So," Damon started, already refilling his second glass, "what'd you and creepy guy talk about?"

She shrugged, "It was mainly everything we already heard. He told me that Klaus and I were in love and that he 'lost me'. Whatever that means."

"Did he happen to tell you why you can't remember running around in the 20's with your Original boy toys?" She rolled her eyes.

"No. He said it was better if I don't remember, and I agree." He paused and raised a brow in disbelief.

After a few seconds, Damon added, waving his drink around as he spoke, "You gonna explain to me how that makes any sense?"

She sighed, "From what Elijah, and all of the stalker-vampires have said, whatever Klaus and I had-" She cut herself off, trying to find the right words. "If we're going to kill Klaus, it's better that I don't remember any feelings I had for him. We can't let anything get in the way."

Damon pursed his lips, realizing she was probably right. He still didn't like the idea of his little sister having a past with Original vampires, and it didn't help that she couldn't remember any of it.

"Whatever happened between Klaus and I is in the past. None of that matters anymore. What matters, is killing him before he kills any of you."

"And how do we know he isn't just saying that because there's something he doesn't want you to remember?"

Graciela looked away, thinking about what he said. She wants to trust Elijah, but Damon has a good point.

"What if he's the one that compelled you and he's making up all this crap just to get you to trust him?" He pointed his glass towards her, "Or even fall in love with him?"

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