03 | Rumors

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"Okay, you have to understand, I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true." Rose began as she paced around the living room with the Salvatore siblings' and Elena's undivided attention.

Graciela sat on couch right next to Elena as Rose spoke to them. "That's the problem with all of this vampire crap. But Klaus, I know is real." The mention of Klaus sent chills down Graciela's spine. Something about his name felt off to her, but familiar. She couldn't explain it.

"Who is he?"

Damon answered Elena's question for Rose. "One of The Originals. He's a legend."

Stefan added, "From the first generation of vampires."

"Like Elijah?"

Rose stood up straight from the chair that she was leaning against. "No. Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus." She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at Elena. "He was a foot solider. Klaus is the real deal."

Damon rolled his eyes at Rose's dramatics as Stefan continued. "Klaus is known to be the oldest."

"Ok, so, you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after us?" Graciela gestured between herself and Elena.

The two girls sat on the couch as everyone shouted a different answer at the same time. Rose said 'yes' and Stefan said 'no', but Damon tried to clear up the confusion for them.

Making his way towards Rose in the middle of the room, Damon said, "What they're saying is- I mean, if what she's saying is true-"

Rose cut him off, "Which it is."

"And you're not just saying it so we don't kill you..."

"Which I'm not."

"Then we're lookin' at a solid maybe."

"Perfect." Graciela sarcastically smiled at the eldest Salvatore's very unhelpful statement.

Add Klaus to the list of people who want Graciela dead for reasons she doesn't know.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right?" Fingers crossed. "So no one else even knows that Elena exists or where Gracie is." Stefan stood up and looked between both girls as he spoke. He walked over to Elena and sat on the other side of her for comfort.

Rose jumped in, "Not that you know of."

Damon rolled his eyes. "That's not helping."

In attempts to calm everyone down, including himself, Stefan added. "Look, I don't even know anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction." He looked back at Elena and Graciela. "I mean, we don't know what's real. For all we know, he could just be some sort of stupid bedtime story."

Frustrated, Rose stood up again. "He's real, and he doesn't give up. If he wants something," She looked directly at Graciela, "he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot."

"Alright, we're shaking. You've made your point." Rose rolled her eyes at Graciela. "Can you please explain to me why he wants me dead already?"

Rose sighed and took a seat. "There's something else you should know about the originals first." She looked around at everyone in the room. "They're not like normal vampires. They have the power to compel other vampires, as well as people."

Damon narrowed his eyes and asked, "How sure are we about this?"

"Elijah trusted us once. He told Trevor and I about his ability to compel other vampires. I've seen him do it myself."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃'𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now