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All the good photos I found were on my wall, i looked up on it, feeling pretty proud, what amazing work I had done. I took a step backwards when I felt a paper under my feet. I looked down, it was a envelope. As I grabbed it and looked in it I saw two more pictures, it were pictures Luke had sent me for a little surprise and to cheer me up. The first Picture was of me on a bench eating a burger. I had been just about to bite into it, as Luke had made the picture. Because my mouth was open and I had drawn a funny grimace. My little finger was like every time I ate up. No matter what I try I can’t leave it down like the others. Its like a really bad habit. On the ring finger, I saw something glisten and knew immediately it was the ring that Jai had once presented to me. And when I looked up, back on the wall I noticed that a tear had dropped down from my eye to my cheek. I wasn’t really sad in the moment, I was more glad I had met a person who could make me happy without even being with me, and even though another tear rolled down now, I knew I was happy. This person was my boyfriend who truly cared about me. I stood up and hung the picture under the others. Then I looked back down to see the last picture. The picture that I held in my hands showed me and Jai. I was in Jai’s arms. I cried. If you looked closely, you realized that it had emerged on the airport in Melbourne. It had been the last day there. The last time I had seen my boyfriend in person. The last day I had kissed him. The day he screamed after me, telling me to stay. But I couldn’t I had to go back home, back to my school and back to work. Back to my Family. I made a picture of the wall and posted it on Twitter saying: All the memories I had with you. ♥

Seconds later I had thousands of people telling me how beautiful it was. And how sad they are I missed Jai so much. And after an hour Jai texted me “Baby, just saw your post on twitter. It looks amazing, Miss you like crazy. So happy I'm going to see you in a month :) I love you.”

This was when I realized I needed to ask my mother to drive me to the Netherlands. 

“Mum?” I screamed down the steps.

“What is it? Anna” My mum yelled back.

“I need to talk to you.. I'm coming down.”

I ran down the steps. When I reached the ground I said :” Okayyy. So how do I start?” I asked more to myself then to my mum.

“What about breathing, honey?”

I smiled and took a deep breath.

“So mum, you know Jai is kind of famous in my generation. And that’s why he is coming to Europe soon. He asked me to visit him. please mum can I see my boyfriend?”

“Where in Europe will he be?”

“Uh, Well in the Netherlands.”

“In the Netherlands?” 

“Please mum, its not that far away and I really need to see him again please mum.”

“I need to talk about that with your dad.”

“But please mum, you can come with me and meet him. I bet you want to meet my boyfriend.”

“As I said, Anna I need to talk to your dad about that.

It was two more days before my mother and my father had finally decided to drive me to the meet and greet to meet my boyfriend. Sounds great huh, needing to meet your boyfriend on a meet and greet with millions of other girls. Immediately after I got the okay from my parents, I took out my cell phone and dialed Jai’s number.

“What’s up babe?” He said with a sleepy voice.

“JAI. I can come and visit youuuu.” I nearly screamed into my phone.

“No way? your parents said yes? Awww Anna, I am so happy.” he yelled back, not sounding sleepy anymore. We talked for over an hour about what we will be doing the week together. I felt Happier then Ever to meet my boyfriend again.

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