2012 Donnie xFReader: Hello Nurse

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2012 Donnie x Female Reader

A/N: Literally did this so I could pull off one reference, that's all. Enjoy!


Typing away on your essay, your fingers gliding over the keys with ease. Soft, steady beats were playing through the speakers of your laptop as the hustle and bustle of New York crept into your room from your open window. Breathing out a sigh, you pushed your chair away from the desk you'd been perched at for over two hours, spinning around in the swivel chair you took in the quiet atmosphere of your apartment. You were currently renting an apartment with April, you remember the sense of freedom that swept you away as soon as you signed your soul to the corporation that owned the complex.

The sound of your phone vibrating on the crummy Ikea desk brought you back to the present, shuffling the chair closer to the desk you stretched over and firmly grasped your phone. Rolling your eyes, you answered the call with a breathy laugh "Hey Donnie, what's up?"

"Er, hey (Y/N), do you, uhh, have any plans tonight?" Donnie stuttered, seemingly shy. Your lips quirked up in delight, slouching back in your chair your gaze landed on the laptop screen that had faded to black due to your absence. Your mind teased the thought of procrastinating your English essay and seeing what Donnie had in mind, but, part of your mind was screaming at you to finish this essay.

Screw it

"My night, last time I checked, is completely empty. What do you have in mind Don?" Through the speaker, you could hear someone hushing laughter and someone yelling then abrupting into giggles. Donnie's voice rang through the phone again as though there wasn't just a five-minute interval of silence.

"Well, me and the guys were going to watch this movie tonight and wondered if you and April would care to join us?"

"I'd have to ask April but I'd be happy to watch a movie with you guys."

"Really? Oh, awesome!" Donnie cheered, you could only imagine the grin he had on his face showcasing that cute gap of his. You were lost in the thought of Donnie's smile "Okay, I'll see you tonight then?" Even though you had already confirmed you were attending he still sounded nervous, as though whatever you had said wasn't real, just made-up words.

"Definitely, gotta go D need to finish this essay before I can join you guys." You turned back the desk, a frown present on your face. "Good luck." chimed Donnie's voice before you ended the call, sulking, you plodded your way back to the desk and continued to type aimlessly.

It was dark now, you'd missed the sunset and the awakening of the stars. Apparently, you had also missed the moment April came home from her shift at work, poking your head out of your room you observed the still lounge. Saving the word document you, near-enough, slammed down the lid of your laptop and flopped back onto your bed a tired smile surfacing. Now you could grab some spare clothes, cause you were definitely going to stay over, some snacks and your phone charger and get out of this isolating room and down to the lair.

April, seemingly knowing you had just finished your essay, popped her head into the room greeting you with an "Oh, you're done.". You couldn't be bothered to find the energy to say anything witty back, instead, you gave her a thumbs up then dropped your hand on your chest. April began walking around your room looking at all the pictures and figures you had on your shelves, finally, she came to the end of the bed and bumped your knees with her own. You released a groan as she did so, her laughter forcing you to peek your eyes open at her "What?" you mused.

"So, I was invited to this party tonight by one of my colleagues and I really want you to come with me, please?" She urged, refusing to make eye contact with you as she nervously fumbled with her fingers. Sitting up now, you sent her a quizzical look "And why do I need to go, I won't know anyone."

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