Leo x Reader: Goodbye Leonardo

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TMNT Leo x Reader Oneshot

A/N: I know what you're thinking, two stories in one night? This is somewhat based on the season four episode: Broken Foot. Also sorry it's so long but I had to fill in some blanks to get to the build-up of the story and sorry for the rushed ending it's currently past midnight where I'm from and I'm very tired.


There was something up with Leo, everyone knew it. He was up to no good, but the problem was no one knew what he was up to. You'd texted him that night multiple times hoping he'd answer you like he usually did, you see you didn't have time to go the lair today and visit the guys like usual. You were stuck at home running around doing chores for your parents while they were out of town for a few days.

It was unlike Leo to not check up on you, at first you thought that maybe he was busy at the lair training with his brothers. But when you texted Donatello he said the day had been pretty quiet, maybe Leo was meditating and got so into it; it wouldn't have been the first time you thought. You tried to carry on with the rest of your mundane tasks but the absence of Leo was felt throughout the apartment.

The sun soon faded into the darkest of nights, by now the boys would be on patrol much to Mikey's disappointment. Sometimes Leo would stray away from his brothers and come visit you, even if it was only for a brief few minutes he'd still try to see you. Tonight, however, was silent. Leo never came to visit you and it made you worry, what if something happened today and Leo was hurt? You couldn't go down to the lair as it was too late now and you'd surely get into some unwanted trouble. You rushed to your phone and began calling his shell phone for it only to abruptly hang up, you huffed out an annoyed breath and continued to text him.

Hey, Leo I just wanted to check up on you since you didn't show up tonight. Is everything alright, call me.

Leo I don't want to bother you but plz call me.

Leo, you're freaking me out where are you?

Donnie says you're not there where are you, call me as soon as you can.

Leo, I love y-

You paused your typing, staring at the unopened messages before you; a tear slipping down your cheek. First thing tomorrow you'd go down and check if he's there you planned, you placed your phone on the side of your bed and layed there staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep. It was around 4 in the morning when your phone lit up, the bright lights illuminating the darkened room. You squint your eyes open quickly trying to adjust to it, your hand limply stretches to the flat surface of the phone screen and clutches it bringing it closer to your tired eyes. You sit up a little as you see the name on the screen.

One message from: Leader in blue

You gasped and scrambled to unlock the phone, clicking on the notification your eyes dragged over every word.

'Sorry, was out on patrol got a little...carried away. I'm fine, talk tomorrow.'

Patrol? Why was he patrolling until 4 am? You didn't reply you just kept rereading the message over and over again until your eyes were forced shut. Even though you weren't reading the message it kept replaying over and over again. Carried away? What did that even mean? Oh, you were definitely going down there tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The morning had finally arrived, you were rushing around the apartment grabbing your things and bolting straight to the lair. You'd rang Donnie before you left letting him know you were coming, he tried to calm you down as you speed-walked to the nearest manhole cover. Once you arrived you saw Raph, April, Donnie, Mikey and icecream kitty playing some board game, but the leader in blue was nowhere in sight.

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