The Night it All Started

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It all started one cold, winter, night. Not a cloud in the starry sky to be seen. I, Sasha, was sitting in my room with the light on. At the time I was playing games on my iPad. I noticed some ache, looking at the faint face in the black screen, while my game was loading. So I decided to walk over to my mirror to check it out. Like most teenagers, I tried to get rid of the zit as soon as possible. But after popping the zit, I stared blankly at the mirror. I remembered a saying, if there's no space, leave the place. Meaning that when you put your finger nail to a mirror, if there's not a space, you're being watched through it. Curious, I tried it out, the results though, were upsetting. There was no space, and although this had saddened me, the rush of my hand shakily touching the glass was breath taking. For some reason though, I still kept staring at the mirror. I wondered if that person in there was really me or not. This frightened me, yet at the same time, excited me. I put my hand to the mirror, and I smiled at the person in there and said, "I'm going to get you out of there, I promise." Then I turned the lights off and crawled in bed. Tomorrow I'd have to wake up early for school, so I might as well end the day on that high note. But the night was not as pleasing at I thought it would be. It was full of nightmares, full of sweaty faces, and tear filled, blood shot eyes. The nightmares were terrible, I dreamed of the girl in my mirror coming out and attacking me. Ripping my insides out and eating them in front of me. But the worst part was, I couldn't die, so I had to live through the pain, as I watched me eat myself. Not to mention there was so much blood, the gruesome site made me almost vomit a few times during the night. When I finally ran to the bathroom and threw up, my mother came to my rescue. She reassured me that I wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow and that everything would be okay. After getting rid of the vile taste in my mouth with some minty mouthwash, I laid back in bed. I never actually went back to sleep of course, there was no chance of that happening after those horrifying nightmares. I stared at my mirror, horrified all night long, that the girl in the mirror would pop out and attack me. Luckily that didn't happen, and when the first light of dawn peeped through my window, I passed out. The nightmares, thankfully, had stopped, and I slept peacefully until 2pm. Then my mother finally came upstairs to check on me, and gave me some tums. Still, every time I looked at the mirror, I was afraid. My mother asked me what my nightmare was about a few times, but I got so upset remembering it that I was unable to tell her. That night, was also full of nightmares, but not as gruesome. It was just the girl in the mirror watching me, just creepily staring.
She finally looked at me and said, "I am not you."
"Then who exactly are you?" I questioned.
"I'm you from another time, from another world," She replied.
"Are all the mirrors different?" I asked.
"Yes," she told me, "they are all different worlds, all different versions of us."
"Is there a way to cross worlds? I join yours and you join mine?"
"There is a way, but no one dares to do it," she said sternly, "and I suggest you don't either."
"But why not? I mean this could be a way of time travel! This could be the greatest discovery of all time!" I exclaimed.
"Because," she said, "only the chosen one may get close enough to bend the fabric of time and space."
"How do you know who the chosen one is?" I said.
"They must go through a series of tests, and that's what I shall be doing to you."
"T-t-to me?!" I shrieked.
"Yes," she replied, "you are the one who promised you'd get me out of here."
"So every time I go to bed, I'll be faced with one of these tests?" I asked.
"Exactly," she said, "now go along, dream, it'll be your last one for a while."
"Ok," I said closing my eyes.
I opened them, looking around I noticed I was in a peaceful forest. The golden sunlight shined through the trees, turning my dark brown hair caramel brown. Adorable little birds flew around me singing joyfully. Off in the distance I heard the sad song of a wolf; and I also heard the trickling water of a creek near by. I sat in a dirt clearing underneath a lone apple tree. Picking one of the beautiful red apples I began to eat it. Enjoying every last juicy crunch in the July summer heat. This was the life! I never wanted to wake up again, but I knew I'd have to sometime. I also knew there wouldn't be many dreams like this again for a long time. Hopefully these so called tests wouldn't be that terrifying. At least nothing compared to the nightmares of me being eaten alive. Closing my eyes under the apple tree I woke up in my own world. Looking at my clock I had 5 minuets before my 6 am alarm went off. I got up and got around for school, I had a feeling it would be a long, exhausting day.

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