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I Open my eyes and got around, then I got on the bus. Looking out the bus window I was actually quite scared. I didn't know if I could walk through mirrors, but I'd stay strong, I could do this! I walked through the big doors at school, everyone instantly moved away from me. I sighed, what was it this time? One of my bully's walked from around a corner and shoved me, as I fell down I hit my head on a locker. With a bleeding head, I tried standing up, but I kept falling down dizzily. The bully walked over to me and started kicking me in the ribs. Coughing up blood I thought I was going to die. But some wave of anger came over me and hauled myself up. I grabbed my bully's neck and started chocking him.
"Don't ever hurt me again!" I screeched.
He thrashed below me pleading for me to let go, but this wave of anger just wouldn't let me. The principle came and pulled me off.
"What in the world are you doing?"
"He-he tried to kill me!" I said in defense.
"Looks like that's what you were doing to him!" He yelled.
"Do you not see the blood pouring profusely from my head, and all the blood I coughed up back there?!" I screamed. "Isn't anyone going to back me up, that I was the victim here?!"
The hall was silent, everyone just stared.
"Oh my gosh! All of you, just, ugh! What is wrong with you people?!"
"Come with me, we're going to my office." The principal said manhandling me.
"No!" I shrieked. The same light looking stuff from the line of light I used to read minds exploded off of me. Everyone shot away from me, I sat down in the middle of it all and curled myself in a ball crying. The pain in my head had taken over completely now. Through blurry eyes, the last thing I saw was people screaming all around me, then everything went black.

I woke up, bright lights all around me. I thought I was either with the girl in the mirror, or I was dead. My mothers face looked down on me.
"Am I dead?" I questioned in barely a whisper.
"No," my mother said calmly, though I knew she was freaking out inside. "You're alive, those bullies at school really beat you up."
"You-you believe me?!" I gasped.
"Yes, the principal said that you were being the bully. But I told him my little Sarah would never act out like that unless something bad had happened."
"And, he believed you?!" I asked shocked.
I closed my eyes, "thank god."
Opening them again I saw the girl in the mirror curled up in a ball crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked
She looked up at me terrified. "I-I-I thought you were dead, there was so much blood everywhere."
"Nope," I said smiling, "I'm alive."
She hugged me tightly, "oh thank god!"
"I am pretty beat up though, literally," I said.
"Well that can be easily fixed," the girl told me. "All you have to do is use the same glowing stuff you used to read minds to heal you. Just focus on where your pain is, and imagine it healing."
"Ok," I said, "But I need to know, what was that field of light that pushed everyone back?"
"A what?" She said, "oh my gosh, if couldn't be."
"What? Is that like bad or something?" I said panicking.
"No, it just means, it, it's a good thing," She said.
"You don't sound to confident about that..." I interrogated her.
"Just believe me it is, I want you to try and push me away with it though," She replied.
"I don't know if I can, I mean when I did it, there was this wave a rage, that even I couldn't control," I said.
"Just try," she insisted.
I let all of anger wash over me. Taking it all in, I pushed it out at her. She thrown back and hit a white, bright, wall.
"Are you okay?!" I shrieked, what if I had killed her?! Oh god!
"I'm fine," she said, "really I am, you can get hurt in the Emptiness."
"Phew, okay good," I sighed.
"You really are the chosen one then," she mumbled. "There's just one more thing we have to test."
"Let's do it then! I'm so ready to set you free, you've been such a great mentor, and so kind." I smiled.
"You have to walk through your mirror," she said, "into my universe."
"Ok," I said breathing in and out slowly, trying to calm myself.
"Don't be frightened, just imagine yourself walking through a waterfall," she explained.
"Ok," I said opening my eyes to my world.
I looked at my mirror, just like a water fall. I closed my eyes and stuck my hand through my mirror. Breathing slowly, imagining a water fall. Next I put my head in, then my other arm, and pulled the rest of me through. I plopped down onto the ground, looking up I saw the girl in the mirrors black eyes.
"You did it!" She exclaimed hugging me.
"I-I-I did!" I said.
We both embraced each other jumping up and down. I grabbed her hand and walked back through the mirror with her. She looked around in awe at my room.
"Wow," she said starstruck, "I never thought about decorating it like this."
"You like it?" I questioned.
"Like it?!" She said, "I love it!"
We walked out of the house and I showed her around town. Her eyes lit up each time she saw a new building. I knew just then as I saw her smiling face, I had saved a sad girl from the dark depths of depression. I had replaced her sorrow with a new feeling, the feeling of happiness and friendship. When we got back to my house, I walked her back through the mirror, and she showed me around her town. But when we got back to her house something tragic happened. She shoved me through another mirror in her house and broke the glass. I heard her scream before it broke, "Now I shall be the one with power!" After all I did for her, after I hugged her, helped her when she cried. She had played me like a card! This was, there were no words to describe the feeling. You could use words like betrayed, and hurt, but it was far more excruciating then that. I was now trapped in this universe, no way to get back. I'd never see my mom again, she would be devastated. Thinking probably that I had left her, just like dad did. I sat down in ball crying, tears poured from eyes. Then I heard someone come sit down next to me. I looked over wiping the tears from my face to see a guy that looked almost exactly like me.
"I've been trapped here to you know." She said looking down.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"She's a shape shifter, always looking out for mirror crossers like us. She looks like us and then goes into another universe, and tells us all these lies. Makes us go through all this training, get us attached to her, and then ditches us. She thinks that by locking us up in here, she'll take away our powers. It never works you know, us mirror crossers, we can control time too. I've frozen it here so that I cannot age, and I cannot die."
"Wait, so you're a chosen one too?" I asked, "she said there was only one."
"My child," he told me. "There are many of us, at least there was. Crimson, the woman who trapped you, wants our power. She's longed to be a mirror crosser since the day she was born into her shape shifter family. Crimson traps us, and uses our own powers agains us, the mirrors. She thinks by killing us, she'll get our power, but in reality, are powers are passed down to our children. I believe it was your father that had gotten captured. You see, this had saddened every mirror crosser. Your father, Sarah, was the leader of the mirror crossers. I don't know if you knew this, but he never really left you intentionally. He saw kidnapped, he wanted me to spread this message on to you, if you were ever to become a mirror crosser."
"So, my father, he did still love me and mother?" I said tearing up.
"He did indeed," the man told me. "He carried a picture of you and your mother everywhere he went, it was always in his pocket."
Crying I looked at the man and said, "is he still alive?" I knew the answer would probably be a no, but asked anyways.
"I sense he is, us mirror crossers you see, we have a sort of sense to tell when others are around." He replied.
"Then I'm off to escape this place, and find my father," I remarked bravely.
"You really are the one, the one that was prophesied by Luna the great. She ruled before your father, and she said that she had a vision of a child who would obtain our gift and set us free from Crimson."
"Ok, well then, I'm off to escape. You may tag along if you'd like." I told him.
"No, I shall rest here, and warn the others Crimson captures," He replied.
"You're a brave soldier," I smiled, "and if I make it out alive, there will be stories passed down from generations about you."
I walked off towards a tunnel covered in vines. I walked for ages, thinking maybe I should turn back, and that I'd never make it. But I finally saw a light illuminating from what I believed to be the end. When I got there I saw a lone mirror, just screaming at me to jump through it. I slowly crawled through, I was a lot easier then the first time. And to my surprise I saw my father, malnourished for God knows how long. I walked over to him and looked at his weathered face. It was dirty and cracked, and a long shaggy beard covered his face. He stared up at me, no sign of acknowledgment.
"It's me, you're daughter, Sarah," I whispered.
"No you're not," he said disgusted. "You're just another vision to drive me insane, and I refuse to become like the others."
I grabbed his hands and looked him straight in the eye and said "it's me."
He bolted upright and hugged me, it felt as though my ribs were breaking. When he let go he looked at me and smiled, "let's ditch this joint," and added, "prophesied child." We kept walking down another long tunnel and found another mirror. Climbing through it together we ended up at the back of Crimsons house. We snuck over to the mirror I had climbed through to get here and walked through. Then I grabbed my hair brush off my stand near the mirror and smashed it on Crimsons side. I heard a shriek before the universes finally broke, "Sarah!"

The Girl in the MirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora