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"Yes dear?"

"When the day comes and we fall apart, promise you will remember me the way i'll remember you"

He looked down at her, closing his book and putting it aside to focus on how her head was buried deep in his neck, she was hiding away like she usually did, too afraid of confronting him straight forward.

Eve had her doubts, he always knew she never truly felt safe or trusted she was loved by him more than anything in the world. But them falling apart? It was the last thing he could imagine happening, they simply belonged together, ever since she told him those words he lived by them.

And yet, he couldn't help but wonder..
"And how is it that you're going to remember me my dear?"

She raised her head to rest her chin on his chest, his eyes instantly locking with hers as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his hand holding her face in the sweetest of gestures even though it was much bigger, colder and scarred.

"As the only one who held me close when all i ever wanted was to escape my own flesh, you.. chrollo lucilfer, are well tangled in my soul, you will never be unloved by me"

She wasn't certain, she could never be. Eve never trusted she was worthy of love, much less trust that anyone ever truly loved her. It was just too hard to believe, perhaps because she couldn't come to terms with accepting and loving who she was and assumed everyone viewed her the sane way.

But there was something about being held by chrollo like this, about his eyes showering her with tenderness and his lips kissing her eyes, it made her feel safe, it gave her hope that there might be a chance someone like him was foolish enough to love her.

And what did chrollo do? When the fall finally came he kissed his knuckles right before they touched her cheek.

They were no longer kids, so much changed..
and when they slept in the same bed all he saw was eve's back facing him and before long he started doing the same.

How did it come down to that he didn't know, probably when he realised it would never change no matter what he did to prove her wrong, eve always slept with a dagger under her pillow and always kept a wall up to hide away her feelings.

It was when he started insisting on knowing her full real name and she started avoiding his gaze first thing in the morning. It started when he held her for the first night after sleeping like strangers in the same bed for so long and she realised it was too much, too overwhelming and chrollo knew it could be the last time he held her like that.

And then it all went down and fell apart when their voices kept rising until everyone outside their room heard them argue and chrollo stormed out.
He remembers clearly what he said walking out the door.

"Even looking at your face makes me sick, i pity you"
Her face that was soaked by her tears, it still haunts him in his sleep.

And when he was out of the whole building he felt her grabbing his arm and turning him around too roughly to the point of making his eyebrow shot up in surprise and the right started mixing with the wrong in his head.

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