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There was a heavy silence that took place once eve was no longer with them.

Pakunoda was sure feitan had no interest in hearing her reasons, the few words she said were enough proof for him that she betrayed the spider.

He remained silent for as long as he could, deeply hoping she would just say anything, make up any excuse for her unforgivable actions, but she didn't and it only made his blood boil more.

"I'm returning to meteor city, you betrayed the spider, the boss will decide your fate"
Was all what he said and pakunoda saw it coming.

"You're guilty just as much, you too betrayed the spider, don't you think so feitan?"
The blooslust oozing from both of them was so overwhelming it made coming near the church seem like walking into your certain doom.

"You went against the boss's clear order of never crossing paths with eve zoldyck, went as far as engaging in a combat with her and you helped me execute this plan right from the start..
If anything you're more guilty than i am"

Although her words were certain and loud, there was doubt creeping in on pakunoda's heart, she stood no chance against feitan if he lost his cool.

His eyes were filled with rage, realisation and something in between.
He was torn apart, for that he wanted was to tear pakunoda apart too, limb from limb.

Her words were true and it frightened him deep down to know that he too committed the act of treason.
His mind ran through all the possibilities fast enough to make him come to a sudden decision.

"I won't speak of what took place in yorknew, that is if the boss or the other members find out about it you leave me out of the story"
He hated the words coming out of his mouth, hated how it made him feel like a coward running away from facing his own mistakes, hated how he had to keep a straight face and say those words aloud as if he wasn't drowning in shame.

But he had to say them nonetheless.

Even if he doesn't realise it, feitan was afraid of losing his family, just the way he lost eve because he couldn't stand up against chrollo when he casted her out, he was a coward back then and a coward now, taking the easier way out to keep what he held dearest to his heart. The foolish dream of never losing the family he truly cared for, the spider that he was more than just brimming with pride to be a part of.

Taking that away from feitan meant his world would fall and collapse on him, and then he would do the same to anyone's world after that.

Pakunoda remained silent, going back and forth between accepting eve's rule or refusing her offer.

She knew that there was the possibility of finding someone else instead of the assassin, but she simply couldn't even imagine someone being nearly as skilled as her.

On the other hand, it was true what feitan said, she already went against her boss's orders, and his words were absolute, all the spiders must obey them no matter what, she was no exception, yet here she was contemplating going as far as selling the members' secrets out, for the sake of what? Her selfish reasons or being more of help to the spider, the answer in pakunoda's mind was blurred.

The two spiders shared one last glance, filled with unspoken emotions, and feitan stormed out of the church.


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