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Chrollo stood for minutes looking at the body of the young girl thrown away like trash on the side of the road, no longer needed.

"We found her this morning"
Nobunaga told him and chrollo couldn't help the wicked smile that tugged at his lips, the corpse was disfigured beyond recognition yet there was no mistaking, it was yukiko kim, eve's so called lover.

How cruel she must be, on her mouth still remained a print of eve's lipstick, and dried blood.

It was poison, chrollo knew eve didn't like wasting time on those who wouldn't provide any entertainment for her before their death, she always chose poison.

But to poison the poor girl by kissing her? He could feel sorry if he felt anything at all, he simply took his time looking at the woman thrown away after literally bleeding out her pores, her eyes open wide and red looking straight at him, skin bluish and her veins showing like a map underneath, one of her legs twisted to an inhuman angel after what seems like a fall from the tall building that stood above them.

It was very cruel work he must admit, yet it was beautiful in its own vile and wicked way.

"Burn the corpse and then go fetch feitan and paku, they're in town"

Chrollo ordered stepping away.
Machi could not believe he was finally in front of her and yet he was so eager to get out of her sight.

She did not mix her feelings with work but she couldn't help but ask
"What about you boss?"

As he turned around to look her in the eye she realised the sole reason he was in yorknew was not getting them out or even protecting them from eve, if he could he would use them as bait to lure her out to him, but chrollo was not that kind of a man, the troupe were his people and as low as he can get selling them out for his personal needs was not something he would do.

It left him only with another option, if eve was not coming to him then he must be the one to go to her first, he was going to look for her in such a vast city all while keeping a low-profile, it was nearly insane but there was no stopping him.

Chrollo didn't respond understanding that machi was clever enough to know she had no right for an answer, nor the right to ask in the first place, and with that he simply left first with no idea on where to start looking.


"Still not fast enough, your eyes are keeping up but your body's reaction comes after a second pakunoda, and that's enough for me to kill you"

Eve sat on the huge boulder in the church, it was obvious that the longer they trained the more she seemed to put in more effort.

Pakunoda on the other side became more and more used to eve's fast pace and her agility, yet it didn't mean she was anywhere near shooting her soon.

Adrian who started accompanying her now that he was no longer looking after yukiko could tell despite how cold and uninterested eve looked she was having fun, he was glad to know that.

Ever since she met that Hisoka all she did was hang around him, wether it was planned or mere coincidence -and Adrian doubts it- everywhere they went he was there, trailing behind eve like a loyal servant.

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