I didn't even give her time to reply and headed straight to the counter to order a drink and get lost in thoughts.

when I reached the counter, I took notice of the attendant and realized he was kinda cute.

"shot of Hennessy please".
'shot of Hennessy please'.

I placed an order and also noticed that I coincidentally said that with someone beside me and turned,

Damn I didn't regret turning, twas a guy, who looked kinda familiar, dark hair, alluring green eyes, all that hot stuff yunno...
my subconscious took in.

"Are you sure you'd like your order?, cos that drink you happen to be talking of is quite a flare".
I smirked at the fine piece in front of me, and he replied with a sexy laugh that got me spiked up at that minute but didn't loose my guard, I continued the gaze till he replied.

"Young lady it's just a shot of Hennessy, can't bite yunno, I mean unless it's too much for you".
He was mocking me shamelessly but I didn't let it get the best of me and decided to play his game.

"Even if u happened to be speaking to a shot herself ?". I asked with an eyebrow up slightly.

" I don't get you dear, do u mean you taste like Hennessy orr??".

I rolled my eyes, men , always the same, they can't just seem to settle down and think yunno!?.

" Hello young mister, I'm Hennessy Wilson,
pleased to meet you".

"ooooh, Hennessy I see" , he said with an amusing smirk playing on his face.
"such an interesting name, and a  coincidence at that huh?, Does it mean it's destiny Milady?".

He was fun I thought to myself, well hot stuff and humor,I can deal with that and more thank you very much, keep them coming.
"probably, who knows".
I shrugged...

he expressed with a smirk plastered on he's face.

"I'm Adrian Kent by the way, pleased to meet you too".

He stretched out his hand as a humble gentleman I presume to greet me, but my mind just clicked on something.

shit I had forgotten about her, where was she anyways,
prolly out getting wasted with some random dude somewhere.

Still I had to go find her, she was my freaking ride out of here.

"Is something wrong?".
" I mean you called a name a while ago and just went into thoughts. Is something wrong?"

There was something alluring about how he spoke to me, concerned about a situation or someone he doesn't even know. I found it cute.

"Uhmmm, I'll be back ,
I need to go look for my friend, she's unfortunately my ride, and I wouldn't want that messed up, you good?".
I said while taking my awaited shot.

"yh, sure, it's cool, but i was wondering if I could have your number or maybe address to see some other time and probably hang?
I mean, not to seem sus, but I find you interesting. So what do you say?".

He asked me with all seriousness in his eyes.
Here I am in a club, which I never wanted to go to for starters, and I catch up with an extremely handsome guy asking for my digits. Like I mean, when was the last time a man visited or I supposedly had interest in a guy?
hmm,  prolly two months now, and right now my phone was with Ruby.

Yeah, i know what your thinking, I don't really know my number properly,
Had to learn it someday though.

So I went with the latter and gave him my address, not expecting any conversation soon and went In search of Ruby, and that was how our conversation broke.


  So I went in search of Ruby, all around the club, from one poll to another, one booth to another buh I couldn't find her.

I pray she isn't drunk cos I'mma kill her, I then remembered the ladies room, cos thats prolly the only place I didn't check. So I went ahead,
on getting there, I heard something like stiffled sobs, and I rushed to check the issue incase it was really serious.

"Open the door,". I queried but no body answered.
I pressed close against the door and it felt like Ruby's annoying cries, but this time around, I had no idea what caused it.

" Ruby, honey, open up okayy, just as least so I can no what's wrong okayy. Please.

After a few minutes of pleading she opened it up.
Two flustered looking girls who where young, flew out of there with happiness, like they've been looking for an escape route all day.
I snickered inwards, cos I knew it was Ruby's doing and then reminded myself that now's not the time for that.
I needed to know what's wrong with Ruby, who hardly cries. like ever.
so it was kind of a weird situation for me.

"What's wrong Ruby?
you brought me to this club in the first place to have some fun right?.
So why the sappy face babee?".

"Ruby answer me and quit crying, at least so I could see how I can help.
no answer.
  " Shit, Ruby I need answers, I can't do anything if your not talking, so start talking now, you are strong gurll, calm down".

"I-i-i I saw a-a-a....... awwwn mahhn"
she whined, "this is embarrassing to say, so let me calm down first. I'll tell you ohky,".
she asked with pleading eyes, and in no time started exhibiting a serious mood.

"And you better NOT laugh at me, you hear me??".
I'm being serious Hennessy, don't even try it.
I held the loud outburst I was about to unleash so I won't get pounded by the beast, cos she looked pretty messed up right now.
I snickered.
"sure, I won't laugh. I rolled my eyes.
"now let's go!, sheesh!".


Well turns out Ruby found this guy,
'hot choco'
Like she tagged, a very handsome black at that, said he was light skinned and hot, grey eyes, caramel hair with the swoosh and all.
I Chuckled.
And it seems like she's crushing.
I know right?,
Ruby?, of all people. Wow!

I was shocked to hear, ngl, well turns out she had a conversation with him during the club and she found him interesting, like a particular someone.
and uhmmm, he kinda got drunk and all, and excused himself from her and said he was coming back.
From what she said, he was caught doing the hanky panky with a cute brunette, and she kinda somewhat felt embarrassed.
Cos she's supposed to be the player, or the one who ditches. not the other way around,
because of a particular incident that I hate remembering on her behalf.

  When we reached the ride, she told me all of it, and i felt somewhat sad, and of course I wanted to laugh, but it was serious to her, so I did my best to take it seriously.

After that we soon reached my apartment.




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