Vol 3 chapter 6

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Vol 3 chapter 6

Katy POV

Nurse:¨ You should stay here with Lisa she needs you to be with her.¨

¨ Okay I will stay with her.¨

¨ But what about the teacher ¨

Nurse:¨ Don't worry I will call them.¨

Nurse: ¨ Coming back at 11:00 am keep on watching after her.¨

¨ Stupid workers don't even know how to do their job correctly.¨

Lisa: ¨ The nurse where is she at?¨

¨She left for a stupid break this school is horrible.¨

Lisa grabbed her arm

She kissed her forehead.

Lisa: ¨Thank you for staying with me!¨

Lisa went back to sleep.

A girl went into the room

It was Sandra

Sandra: ¨Someone needs you come on a teacher needs you to explain what happened to Lisa.¨


I walked away with Sandra.

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