2. Rise of Blast - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Uh... nice doggie?" Alice says, trying to calm down the mutated dog. However, the dog is having none of it. Both heads start barking as the dog sprints towards the two frightened teenagers. This causes both of them to let out a loud yell of terror, and jump onto the fence to get back to the other side as quickly as they can. The dog reaches the fence and jumps, almost managing to bite Tommy's foot, but luckily the two teenagers escape the mutated beast unscathed.

The two teens land back on the safe side of the fence, and stop for a moment to catch their breath after that frightening experience. "Why does that dog have two heads?" Tommy asks as he catches his breath.

Alice just shakes her head. "I don't know, that old man probably ran some experiment on the dog or something." Alice replied. "Whatever the case is, we have to figure out a way to get past that beast." Alice adds.

Back inside the laboratory, Dr. Zack runs a few tests on Alex. He connects Alex to a machine to register different things, he checks Alex's heartbeat and blood pressure, and puts him on a treadmill to see how fast he can run. The treadmill reaches a speed over 100 miles per hour, and Alex still seems to be running without a problem. Dr. Zack writes down everything he's seeing as he runs more tests on Alex.

Dr. Zack puts Alex to lift barbells, which he does easily. He then takes him to a special barbell where instead of regular weights, there are two large weights that have "1 ton" written on them. Alex walks up to the barbell, and lifts it up as if it were any regular barbell, leaving Dr. Zack perplexed as he keeps writing down what he discovers.

Meanwhile, Alice tries devising a plan to get past the two-headed rottweiler. After thinking about it, she gets an idea. She looks at the building, and notices a window that's large enough that they could fit through. She then starts making plans, and once she has everything well thought out, she speaks. "Tommy, I have a plan to get past that dog!" Alice tells him with excitement.

Tommy looks at Alice, a bit worried about what could happen. "Are you sure it'll work?" Tommy asks Alice.

Alice nods. "Of course I am! Just trust me, ok?" Alice tells him. Tommy is still a bit worried about this, but decides to follow along with Alice's plan. Alice explains what the plan is, and draws some blueprints on the sidewalk with a piece of chalk.

Alex keeps on going through the tests that Dr. Zack runs on him, and sees that Dr. Zack has finished writing it down in his notebook. "So, what did you discover?" Alex asked the scientist.

"Well, it appears that you're still healthy despite the changes in your DNA. I was worried it would have unfortunate secondary effects, but everything appears to be in order." Dr. Zack explains. "The changes in your DNA have caused your body to become much stronger physically, thus explaining your super strength and super speed, as well as your endurance to physical trauma." Dr. Zack tells him.

Alex nods, that made a lot of sense. He did smash himself against a stop sign at high speeds, that would've been enough to cause serious damage, or at least break his nose, but despite the pain of the impact, he didn't break anything.

Dr. Zack continues on to explain the changes in his body that the experiment caused. "Now there's only one more thing we need to do before we're done. Come with me to the central experimentation room." Dr. Zack tells Alex as he signals him to follow him to the other room.

As soon as they arrive, Alex sees some computers and machines, and a large metallic bed. "What's that for?" Alex asks Dr. Zack.

"It's for the final test. Just lay down on that bed for a moment and I'll get everything ready." Dr. Zack tells Alex. Alex shrugs and does as he is told.

However, as he lies down, the bed immediately releases some metallic belts to strap his arms, legs, and waist to the bed. "Uh... is that supposed to happen?" Alex asks Dr. Zack as the old man types on the computer.

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