Chapter 2

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It was perhaps only the suddenness of Spock’s announcement that kept Komack from following them to the bridge, but regardless, they made it to the bridge without a third party and without any inquiring glances.  The closest to giving one was Nyota, but her expression seemed to be more amused than anything.  Her face was blank again a moment later as she focused on the communication frequencies.

It might not have been completely rational, but when Spock saw Jim stride to his chair, chest puffed out and looking absurdly proud, waves of sheer exhilaration passing through the bond, the Vulcan wondered how people could possibly interpret his body language.  For all his cockiness, Jim was rarely this smug.

“We’re going to have a slight change of course after we drop Komack off,” the captain informed everyone.  “We’re heading to New Vulcan for the two year anniversary. Estimated arrival time?”

Chekov was immediately performing the calculations.  The young man’s abilities in this area were impressive, he had to admit.  He could solve just about anything in half the time it would’ve taken most Vulcans, and on Vulcan he would’ve just barely entered maturity.  It took him barely more than seven seconds to complete his calculations.  “We will arrive in one point two weeks, Keptin.”

That sounded correct.  Spock turned to his work, carefully sorting through his slides.  That would afford them plenty of time to see the healer.

We’re having a baby, Spock.

Jim’s mental voice was immeasurably stunned, and he spared a moment to check over the man’s mind, finding him still pleased, if in slight disbelief.  Indeed.  It does seem we will be having a baby.

His samples were ordered properly now.  What’s the Vulcan healer supposed to tell us?

The viability of the pregnancy will be tested, as well as the percentage of Vulcanoid DNA, he explained, slipping one slide into his scope and glancing into it.  Vulcan traits are dominant, after all.  If the fetus is comprised of more than thirty-two percent Vulcan DNA, it will be considered mostly Vulcan.

That doesn’t make sense.

Jim, a percentage of Vulcan DNA greater than thirty-two percent indicates the fetus will have mostly Vulcanoid features.  Spock switched out the slides as Jim contemplated what he’d just told him.  Telepathy.  Physiology.  And before you ask, yes – there is a significant chance that its ears would be more like mine than yours.

Awesome, Jim sent back to him.  I do love those pointy ears.

For a long while, Spock concentrated on his work, indulging every so often in the contentment rolling off his mate.  While the Vulcan understood that he was pregnant, that he would eventually birth an infant, and that that infant would be theirs, part of him felt disbelief that this was even happening.  He did not necessarily feel pregnant – but then, what did it feel like to be pregnant?

This train of thought was not conducive to his work.

I bet your dad’s going to go nuts when we tell him, Jim informed through the bond.  This was accompanied by a rather outrageous image of his father wide-eyed and shocked.  He tried to express his disapproval through the bond, but it was covered up by Jim’s amusement.  Seriously, though.  How do you think he’ll take it?

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