Suga blushed furiously, dropping his head further to hide it in the dark of the car. Daichi was good, too good. Suga had hurt him and hadn't even faced him after the fact, yet he was brushing it off like it was the smallest of inconveniences.

"Suga, you are going to have to look up at some point. Firstly, I have no idea where I am and most importantly, I miss your cute face."

"Stop saying dumb things." Suga said, slapping Daichi's arm and blushing harder. "And it's your next left."

Suga continued to direct Daichi as Daichi continued to say sweet things to make him flush rouge and bury his face in his hands. Much like the bliss in Daichi's house, it all had to come to an end eventually. The car stopped outside Suga's apartment building and the tensions before fell back over the pair.

"That was the shortest half an hour of my life." Daichi spoked quietly, barely above a whisper, avoiding Suga's gaze.

"I agree."

Neither of them moved for a moment. They sat stiff, staring straight ahead and once again trying to prolong their time together. After a full two minutes of nothingness, Daichi finally turned in his seat, grabbing Suga's chin so that their eyes could meet. Looking at his face only made it harder to accept that they were parting ways. Part of him felt dramatic and childish but seven years is a long time to wait and he was reluctant to wait much longer.

"Wednesday is only four days away. We can go that long, we're not kids, right?"

"Four days." Suga repeated, smiling as big as his cheek muscles would allow him. "We can do that."

Daichi pulled Suga's head towards him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. They said goodbye to one another and Suga climbed out the car, turning to wave as he reached the door. Daichi waited to see him inside before pulling away from the building and heading home.

The way there felt like ten minutes but the way back felt like hours. The entire time he wanted to turn around and crawl into Suga's bed but it was just a stupid longing. He was an adult with work the next day, he didn't have time to be acting like a clingy teenager. He would just have to suck it up and wait those four days. Still, the car was quiet and when he reached his house, that was even quieter. Daichi had lived alone for almost the entirety of the seven years he'd lived there, only once making room for Asahi when he and Noya were arguing about distance a few years before. Yet, regardless of all that time alone it had never bothered him, until then.

He went to bed immediately after getting in, wanting to get as much sleep as possible but the bed seemed impossibly large. Had it always been so spacious? He kept finding himself, sleepily reaching a hand out to grab at the empty sheets before remembering that he slept alone. It kept him awake as he tried to figure out why it seemed to be getting to him so much. He'd had lovers and one-night stands and after they left the bed never felt empty, it felt bigger but not empty. One night with Suga had him feeling as though something that had always been there was missing which was new and uncomfortable.

He repeated the same phrase in his head over and over. "four days"; that was all he had to wait. Eventually, the repetitive thought lulled him to sleep for the few hours he had until his alarm rang.

When Daichi sat down at his desk a little before 6am, he was still repeating the same phrase, almost obsessively. His brain was consumed with thoughts of Suga, so much so that he didn't notice the person appearing at his side and almost didn't feel the hand on his shoulder.

"Morning, Daichi!"

Daichi looked up to glance at the officer at his side who was moving across to their desk, after breaking him away from his mental spiral.

Thank You Officer TamuraWhere stories live. Discover now