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Suga woke up the next morning and his body was on fire. Every muscle ached and his head was pounding against his skull. He could sense the light of the day penetrating through the curtains and concluded he wasn't ready to get up yet. He sunk further into the mattress, pulling the duvet up around his face and inhaling deeply. Something was wrong. It didn't smell like it always did. Usually it had a soft floral scent but now it smelt fresh and slightly masculine.

Suga finally peeled his eyes open and realised he wasn't in his bed and it definitely was not his home. Part of him wasn't surprised. Every time he went into The Buzz, he walked out with a stranger. However, there was something familiar about his surroundings and he didn't feel the usual panic he did during a morning after. He plucked up the courage and rolled over to see who it was he was next to. When he did, a head of dark hair he knew all too well faced him. Shit, Daichi. Suga was about to run and move country but was stopped when Daichi rolled over, extended and arm and pulled the smaller man into his chest.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early." Daichi mumbled, snuggling into the top of Suga's hair.

His heart stopped. Daichi's morning voice sounded rough and inviting which made it impossible to leave. Instead, he relaxed and settled in Daichi's arms, momentarily forgetting that they were supposed to just be friends. The night before was still hazy and Suga had trouble piecing together so he felt himself under the covers to determine how much he still had on, to give himself a rough idea.

"Suga, stop shuffling. I left you in your jumper so anything else you have missing is your own fault. Now, please let me sleep – I think I might be dying."

"You know it's me?" Suga asked, looking up at the tired face above him.

"Well I brought you home, kissed you and fell asleep next to you so it would be pretty weird if you were anyone else."


'Kissed you'. The words rang in Suga's head as memories from the night before flooded back.

- - -

It had been the early hours of the morning, probably three or four when the taxi dropped them outside Daichi's door.

"Are you sure you want to stay here Suga? I can get you a lift."

"No this is fine. Your house is so much closer to me right now than mine is. Besides I really can't be bothered with how long it takes to get to mine."

Daichi hummed and unlocked the door, taking Suga's hand and leading them inside. They'd both come down from their drunken state, settling somewhere closer to tipsy but Suga was still a little unsteady on his feet. They kicked their shoes off and Daichi flicked on a lamp which lit the entrance up gently and provided just enough light for them to see each other.

"It looks different." Suga stated, turning to admire the place.

"Well, last time you saw it, I'd just moved in. Want a tour at some point?"

The dim lighting hitting the side of Daichi's face and illuminating his features mixed with the remnants of alcohol in Suga's system. He looked handsome. He always had and Suga had always tried to deny it but after seven years, his attractiveness only seemed amplified. Actually, it was beyond amplified; it was irresistible. Suga hummed and stepped closer to Daichi, looping his arms around his neck.

"How about we start with the bedroom?" He asked, cocking one eyebrow.

Daichi's hands found Suga's waist to hold him in place.

"Suga." Daichi warned. "Let's not do this again, okay?"

Suga stuck his bottom lip out and pouted.

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