Powers of an Angel

Start from the beginning

What a gentleman... Once he moved the painting, a letter fell out, and I picked it up. BIll placed back the painting and looked at me. I couldn't believe what I saw in my dream was real.

"Are you going to open it?" Bill asked.
"Y-Yes," I stuttered.

I opened the letter and it was my mum's handwriting. I can feel my back against his chest and I haven't realized how small I am. I could tell he wanted to read the letter as well.

"My Dearest Children, I'm sorry that I left with your father that one day. There hasn't been a day that goes by about how much I miss my babies. I know you've been wondering why we left and why we sent you to England. I barely have enough time to explain how sorry I am for doing this to you. We were told by the angels to protect you to the best of our abilities. That you and your sister have angel blood. Angels haven't been birthed for many millenniums especially two different types of angels. My sweet baby boy with the purest soul that I know... You are the angel of death. My wonderful baby girl is the angel of life. It will be difficult to process this information, but this is all I can write. They're after you and they will not stop until they have you. I'm sorry that I left you broken, but before my life ends I wanted to say my final goodbyes. I love you two so much and never forget that." I felt Bill's reactions.

I felt his arms around me. A warm embrace that made me feel safe. I heard him mutter something in a different language. What worries me is that I understood every word. Since when could I do this?

"I'm sorry for your loss... but I'll make sure no one takes you," 
"What language is that?" I mumbled softly.
I could tell he was off guard by that question, "Latin..."
It just came out of me out of nowhere, "It's a beautiful language... it sounds nice, and thank you for being here."
He whispered softly, "Since when?"

I turned around and I saw a soft smiled on his face. I chuckled softly and I looked at him. I completely forgot about what I just read. He's so nice to me.

"I don't know it just came out of me," I explained.
"Well, we'll try to figure things out especially with this new information," Bill muttered.
"Thanks," I smiled softly.

I helped put the painting back even when Bill told me that he didn't need help. I pulled out the letter and looked at it. I have to show Mabel this because she needs to know.

"Do you know where Mabel is?" I asked Bill.
"I don't, but we can find her together," Bill offered, "If you wish..."
"Come on," I smiled, "I still don't know my way around this place anyway." 

Bill smiled and walked next to him. Bill was more exciting than me about the angel news than I expected. I was wondering if I could have wings and multiple eyes and I realized that I didn't know much about angles. I only knew the ones from paintings and they were beautiful blonde pale lady with pure white wings. 

"Bill, tell me about angels..." I muttered.
"Angels could be anything, but when they appear to humans they appear as the mortals that don't deserve to see their true form. Since no one has been able to actually see the true form of the angels." Bill told me, "They told me that an angel and demon couldn't be in the same room or even friends." 
"Why do people think that?" I questioned.
"I've been told that my whole life," Bill smiled, "I guess they were wrong."
"Do you think if I thought extremely hard, I could make my wings appear if I even have them," I thought about?
"Dipper?" Sofia called me.
I turned around and smiled softly, "Yes?"
"I wanted to find you and ask if you're ready to make lunch for everyone," Sofia smiled.
"What should we make today?" I mumbled to myself.
"Since it's a little chilly outside we can make a soup or stew," Sofia suggested.
"That sounds great," Bill said.
"Alright then," I smiled, "I'll be there in a few minutes I just need to tell Mabel something and I'll be right there."

We looked for Mabel and we saw Lillian, Marylin, and Mabel walking around talking. I felt my hands shake and I feel like I couldn't show the letter to her, but I had to. 

"Dipper! I was looking for you," Mabel smiled.
"Really?" I questioned.
"Is something the matter?" Lillian asked, "What's the letter?"
"I-It's um-" My eyes widen.

I looked behind them and I saw this large black blob. When I blinked it was closer basically right behind them. It was much larger than Bill and when it opened it's mouth I saw bloody teeth. I looked down and saw their bodies on the ground. 

"Pinetree?" Bill said.

It was gone. Then I saw it again through the mirror that was close to me. It was right in front of me. 

"I-I have to go!"

I quickly left and I dropped the letter on the ground. I quickly went to the kitchen and looked at the mirror that was in there. The beast was gone. 

Pov Mabel 

I was walking with Lillian and Marylin and we found Dipper! I saw Bill with him, but maybe they were trying to find us. 

"Dipper! I was looking for you," I smiled.

I haven't seen Dipper since he got hurt, but it's only been a day. I was just worried about him because I thought he died. Honestly, the questions that they asked me made me think a lot. About us possibility being angels, but maybe it's a lie and we can go home. I want to ask Dipper about Richard. 

When they explained how they found Richard they saw him bloody and barely recognized him at first. When Dipper confirmed that he didn't mean to kill him they were surprised. They told me before they found out it was Dipper that it was probably murder of hate. Like the person who killed him wanted him to suffer and they still hit him even when he stopped moving. 

"Really?" Dipper questioned.
"Is something the matter?" Lillian asked Dipper, "What's the letter?"

Dipper stopped talking and kept looking behind us. His eyes widen and his eyes were filled with fear. 

"Bill is there something behind us?" I asked him.
"I don't see anything?" Bill said, "Pinetree?"

I noticed that Dipper's hands started to shake and I saw tears down his eyes. 

"Dipper!" I shouted.
"I-I have to go," Dipper quickly raced away.

Dipper left and he dropped the letter. Bill soon left after him telling him to wait for him. I picked up the letter and started to read it. I-I can't believe it. 

M-Mum's dead... Where's dad? There are different types of angels and I'm the one that bears life? Poor Dipper... He and Mum were always close. He must have read it and couldn't tell me. But Dipper was acting odd. 

"What's the letter?" Marylin asked.
"It was a letter from my mum," I muttered, "She's dead but she conformed that we are angles. I'm life while Dipper is death." 
"I'm sorry for your loss," Lillian quickly said.
"I guess we're a step closer to figuring out this whole mess," I sighed.

Marylin asked me to keep the letter safe in case we need it again. I went to my room and placed the letter in my dresser. Right next to the book they told me to keep here as well. 

I'm worried about Dipper. 

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