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Third Person

Bill has been spending more time with Dipper. William has beginning to get worried about Bill and his closeness with Dipper. Will didn't want Bill to get in trouble with Marilyn.

Will didn't notice in himself that he was also growing a friendship with Mabel. A close behind with her. Will watched over her as best as he could. He didn't want to say that he secretly enjoy her company. He would chat with her almost every day about random things. It was something that he let slip through his mind. He's only been focused on Bill that he hasn't noticed his actions.

In the middle of the night, the two would sneak out and go to the garden. They would watch the dark sky with its bright stars. Bill has never done anything like this. Sneaking out after hours and just sit there and do simple things. For how he loved him. He was willing to break rules just to see him smile.

Dipper didn't mind Bill being by his side. Dipper would read out loud so Bill wouldn't be too bored. Bill would just listen to Dipper talk about random things when he gets distracted. He would make a soft smile and listen to him ramble about the things that he enjoyed or simple facts.

Marilyn was being watched by the organization closely. Marilyn had noticed that Bill has been more rebellious since the twins have a

Mabel has been noticing that Dipper hasn't been feeling well. She's noticed that he hasn't been sleeping as much as he used to.

Dipper has refused to go to certain rooms and hallways. Mabel did some reading to find out what was wrong with him. She wanted an explanation about everything that's been going on. With her powers and her brothers.

Her powers have been going out of control, but Dipper's hasn't. Healing and bring to life randomly was giving her a headache. She had to get rid of a jungle in her room because a small seed was in her hair and when she slept it grew. Why hasn't anything happened to Dipper yet?

"William, " Mabel called out, "Will!"
"What can I do for you, Mabel?" Will asked.
"Do you know where the library is?" Mabel asked him.
"Yes, what are you reading if you don't mind me asking, " William answered, "I think it's a little early to be reading. It's still early morning."
"I just wanted to read something about Angels, " Mabel easily confessed, "I don't know anything about them and I just need personal questions answered." She ignored the last question.
"We have an old book that talks about things, but it's high up so we need a ladder, " Will told Mabel.
"Thank you!" Mabel hugged Will.
"No problem, " Will smiled softly.

They went to the library and searched for the book.
Dipper bumped into the two as he was walking around. He didn't have to make breakfast since it was so early.

"Morning to the both of you," Dipper smiled.
"Morning Dipper!" Mabel hugged her brother.
"Morning to you as well," Will smiled.
"Where are we off too?" Dipper asked the pair.
"Will is helping me find a book," Mabel smiled.
"I hope I can find it," Will nervously chuckled.
"Which are you looking for? I've read all the books already, " Dipper said.
"All of them?" Will questioned, "Seriously? I have read all of them yet."
"It would have been faster, but I get distracted when Bill is with me, " Dipper admitted.
Mabel chuckled softly, "Isn't he with you almost every day?"
A soft blush appears on his face as he thought about it, "I guess you're correct... I felt it as normal."
"Bill always bothers me, but since you make him read he hasn't, " Will blurted out."
"He doesn't read, " Dipper explained, "He doodles or listens to me read. He gets bored and doesn't like the silence."
"We have to go, " Mabel said, "See you in a little."
"Bye you two, " Dipper smiled.
"Bye, " Will said.

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