"You're gonna bake for me." He looked at me and smiled.


"We can talk through the art of baking. Now wash your hands and I'll give you instructions."

"I'm not going to bake for you." I shook my head at him but his smile barely faltered as he walked towards me.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

Isaac went quiet before looking back up with an evil grin. "I'll cough on you if you don't."

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" I moved away from him still but he moved right with me.

"Cough or help."

I could run, maybe get a few metres away before being coughed on but I think Isaac could see my thought process as he shuffled a bit closer, making it as if he was about to open his mouth.

"Okay, okay I'll help but only because I'm pitying you, not because I was scared of your empty threat." I was finally able to breathe fully when he stepped away from me.

"Right then, let's get started. These are for my mom by the way, she said something about her friends kids but I didn't listen that well. The instructions are on the table." Whilst I walked to the counter, he walked to the door, about to head out.

"You're leaving?" I hadn't meant to sound so needy but I had only stayed for his sarcastic conversations yet he wasn't even going to stay.

"I'm going to the toilet, Jesus, you want to wipe my bum too?"

I flipped him off, biting my lip to hide the smile that was growing and scanned the instructions.

Alright, weigh the butter and sugar, add an egg then the weigh flour, that's not too bad, I thought.

Turns out I was probably not the most cut out for a baker. Isaac came back whilst I was trying to get the butter off of the table and he had to take over the weighing of flour since he said I had made too much of 'a mess' weighing the sugar.

"Maybe I should've just done this myself." Isaac sighed after letting me weigh the rest of the flour and sift it in.

The flour had changed its destination to not only the bowl, but the floor and everywhere surrounding it, including Isaac and I's clothes.

"I think I'm pretty good."

"You are, just without the good." Isaac mumbled very quietly before snapping his mouth shut.

"Hm?" I pretended that I didn't hear as he shook his head, quickly looking down at the flour on the floor.

How cute.

"I can't watch this anymore. You're a shit baker, I'm sorry I have to break it to you this way." He pushed me out of the way and whisked the mixture himself.

"Your idea for me to bake in the first place."

"Yeah my mistake for giving high expectations for you when you can't even crack an egg neatly."

"Take that back."

"I wish I could take those minutes back." Isaac put the cookies in the oven and let out a huge sigh. "That was really nice. I'm gonna go have a shower before I start sneezing out flour."

"What do I do?"

"Wait there." He ordered, leaving the room with me in it.

I got bored in less than a minute, checking the oven, debating whether to clear up the mess or not.

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