Nothin' But Cuts and Bruses

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I woke the sound of machines beeping in my ear. I took a breath and opened my eyes. A floresant light shined down into my eyes. I looked down at my body. I was covered in bangages and my muscles were stiff. I moved my neck around. I glance over and saw my foster mother sitting in a chair holding my hand.
"Janey? Oh sweety I'm so glad you're okay." She said quietly.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You were in wreck. You lost some blood from all of your cuts, but you can come home today." She explained.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked siting up slowing. 
"About a day." She told me.
I nodded. The boy. Where was the boy? No doubt I was going to get charged with trespassing. I was such an iddiot. 
"Stace, where is that boy I hit?" I asked.
"He is across the hall. He has a concusion, but he will be okay." She said standing up.
She walked over to a closet and pulled out a baby blue sun dress with spaghetti straps and a lace riddon the went around the front. About a year ago I starting getting obsest with cute little dresses I could were to school. I was girly that way. 
"I brought you some clothes and a pair of shoes. Once you get discharged you can change." She said.
I smiled at her. 
"So am I in trouble?" I asked.
"No not this time since you're in the hospital, but the kids mom wants to press charges. Whatever this lady throws I can handle it." Stace said.
"Stace was a twenty-six year old foster mother. She's one of the best lawyers in our small town of Clinton, Virginia. If that kid's mom wanted to press charges on us. She would have Stace to deal with. 
"Ah, Miss Saintpatrick! You're awake!" Doctor Mills siad cheerfully. Doctor Mills was a forty year old woman. She had been my doctor ever since I was four and moved in with Stace after my brother had died.
"You have a few cuts and bruses, but other than that you're fine." She said righting something down on her clip board. She smiled at me and called a nurse in to take out my IV. The woman inhooked me and guided me to the bathroom. It felt good to be clean and get all the dried blood off of me. I stepped out of the bath room with new bandages and a comb in my hand. 
        I sat down in a chair and started braiding it down the middle. 
"Janey are you ready?" Stace asked me.
"Yeah let's go." I put some sandles on and took Stace's hand. As we walked down the hall I saw a woman in a pin stripped suit arguing with a man in a gray suit and tie.
"She could have killed my son!" She yelled. I had a strong feeling that this woman was that boy's mother.
"Miss, seeing as the girl was more injured than he was I don't see a need to sue her for trying to kill your son. We can charge her for trespassing and give her ticket, but that's all." The man said calmly.
 The grunted and turned to walk away. As she did she spotted me. 
"You! I hope you know that you will be punished for this . . .this crime!" She yelled. Stace stepped in front of me to say something, but she was cut off.
"Mom, I think the girl has gone through enough. Let her go and we'll see her in court next week."
I turned to see the same boy in grey pajamas. He had his hands in his pockets and his hair stuck up in different directions. His jaw had a long purple bruse on it, but his smile was still white and dazzeling.
"I didn't catch yer name?" He asked me.
"Um . . .I . . It's Jane Saintpatrick." I said looking down at the ground.
"Well you gave me quite a scare with that faintin' act. Good to see you're alright." He said nonchalantly as if his own injuries didn't worry him. I nodded at him. 
        The truth is I'm really shy, can't help it. I don't want to get close to people. 
He smiled and turned around.
"See ya next week, Jane." He walked away whistling to the tune of,  "Islands in the Stream" 
        I turned back around to see that his mother was gone and so was the man that was with  her.
I cought up with Stace.
"You didn't tell me I had a court date." I told her. 
"Yes, you do. I was going to tell you when we got home, but now you know." She said.
I looped my arm through her's and we walked out of the hospital doors.
"That was a terrible experence." Stace said.

Is it me or am I cursed?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя