Written in Red

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I laid in bed with my eyes wide open. The moon shined into my window making my white furniture look dark and gray. I glanced at the dog tag on the night side next to me. It was obviously hard for him to give this to me, but why would he? I had too many questions to ask him. Undernieth all his joking, narcissistic behavor he was in pain. 
        I rolled over in my bed as I did I realized with window had something on it. I got up to look at it more closely. 
        "Give back was written in red across the glass. I turned on the lamp. It wasn't just red paint, it was something else. I let out a scream loud enough to wake our neighbors. 
"Stace!" I screamed this time backing away from the window. 
She ran in with a golf club in one hand and pepperspray in the other. I would have laughed if I weren't so scared. 
"What? What is it?" She said turning the over head light on. She urned to look at me, but when she did she saw the window.
"Oh my Gosh!" She picked up me cell phone and called nine-one-one.

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