jamies and dead cats

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I sat in a gray room with a giant mirror on the far wall. The cops brought me in for questioning. It was hard to believe that just two hours ago I saw blood on my window. Why me? Why did I have to be the creepy one. I had to be the one that killed everyone she gets close to. The one that is sent criptic messages in blood. 
        I woman with a folder in her hand walked in and sat down. 
"The good knews is it was only cat blood. The bad knews is that you might be getting accused for theft." The woman said.
"I didn't steal anything. I just saw it on my window." I told her.
"My name is Sarah Azail. I need to asked you where you've been in the past twenty-four hours, in detail." She demanded.
"Well, yesterday I was in court, because the Morellii's wanted to sue me for hitting their son's car. I was coming out of the grave yard, and I hit their car, because I was driving on their private property. They chose not to sue me, because of the reason why I was coming out of the grave yard. I was visiting my boy friend. They left then we left. I didn't really do anything that night. I watched tom and Jerry and went to bed. Then I saw the writing on the window." I told her. She looked at me, unconvinced I was telling the truth. 
"I will need the names of the Morellii"s that were there with you in the court house yesterday." She said looking down at the folder. 
"It was Mashell Morellii and Curtis Morellii." I told her.
"Oo, you went against Mashell Morellii in court and didn't get sued? You must have had a good lawyer." She said.
"Well it was her son that really stopped her." I said.
"Well we wont asked anymore questions until they get here, so go get some coffee and find Stace. She might be in the cheif's office." Sarah said.
"Wait, you know my foster mom?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't I? She the most popular lawyer in town. Plus, we went to high school together." She said, standing up. 
        Sarah opened the door motioned for me to leave the room. I stood up and walked out of the room and sat on a bentch near to the enterance of the station. 

It took about fifteen minutes for Misses Morellii and Curtis Morellii  to saw up. I just now realized I was wearing the dog tag. I had grabbed it when Stace lead me out of the room when the cops showed up. I had been wearing it ever since. I quickly stuck it down my tank top. Part of the chain still showed, but not enoguh for him to notice. I probably looked horrid, no doubt. I eyes were red from crying and I in nothing be a tank top and really short shorts. At least I put on bra, before I came here. I tighed my long hair up into  a bun just as they walked in.
        "What in the world did you do? Or, is this you finally telling the truth about what you were really doing in the grave yard?" Misses Morellii asked.
"Niether, something happened tonight at my house. They wanted to question anyone I had been with that day to make shure I didn't steal anything from someone." I said. 
Curtis looked at me and the down at my legs.
"Nice jamies." He said, his face was a little red. 
"That isn't the point. Someone wrote something on my bedroom window in blood." I told him. His mother rolled her eyes and went into the room I was in earlier. 
I sat down with Curtis and realized he was in his "jamies" too. He wore dar blue sweat pants with a grey t-shirt. His hair was even more of a mess than it usually was. 
"What did it say, the wnidow I mean." He said.
"I said give it back. I never took anything, though. Now they are acussing me of theft." I said. 
"Was it you know real blood?" He asked a little grossed out.
"It was cat blood." I told him. He breathed a sigh of realife. I leaned back on the bentch and put my legs to my chest. 
        In way I was glade Curtis was here. I at least had someone to talk to for a few minutes until he went home. 
"Curtis?" I asked him.
"Hmm?" He said. He had his head leaned against the wall and his eyes were closed.
"I think we need to take that ride." I told him.
His eyes popped open and a serious look came across his face.
"Why?" He asked.
"You know why. I want to know who you've lost and why you gave me the dog tag. Besides I have to keep up my end of the deal." I told him

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