Chapter 21: Mute

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"I'm sorry! I didn't know your voice will be gone!"


"Don't walk past me!"


"Stop ignore me!"





I lost my voice since Akio didn't stop holding my neck when I told him to, We were walk to our class. I didn't want class to end because after class Kiyoko will check our measurement, "If I grow and jump higher than you, you have to buy 3 curry buns!" Hinata said to Kageyama. I Just facepalm and kept walking to class.

~After Class~

I walk to the nurse's office not ready for my measurement, I went inside to see Kiyoko already waiting for me. "Ready?" She asks I nod before stepping on the measuring stand. I went outside with a stoic face, "How shorter did you get?" Akio tease. " I grow 1.4 cm!" Hinata said, I then took my phone to type something on it.

'You owe me 3 curry buns!" it said

"You heard us?!" Hinata asks

I nod

"How much did you grow then" Kageyama use me as a weigh stand

'I grew 12.86 cm!'

"Your not special," Tsukishima said

I punch his arm and Tanaka pounce on him, After that, we left for the gym to check how high we can jump. Everyone was being competitive over Hinata since he is aiming to be the ace, I was the last one. "Ready!" Kiyoko asks I nod and rub my hand in powder.

I ran and jump high as I could, I press my hand on the basketball mirror hoop. I stumble a little when I landed, "400 cm!" Yachi yelled so everyone can hear. "What?! Check that again!" Hinata yelled, I pump my fist in the air.

Akio, Hinata, and Kageyama started to argue with me, Suddenly Takeda-Sensei came into the gym. "Is everyone here?" we gather around him wanting to hear what he was going to say, "This is so sudden but I have big news! Kageyama-Kun, Akio-San, Y/n-Chan you have been asked to attend the All-Japan Youth Training Camp!"

Everyone was surprised with the news, I was about to celebrate when Takeda-sensei said something else. "Y/n-Chan will be the manager" those words just rang in my head, my bangs cover my face while Tsukishima and Akio laugh at me. 

I was about to reject when Daichi agreed for me, I look at him while trying my best not to strangle him. I just pouted and didn't listen to the rest of the news, "My kohais, make sure that when you get interviewed, you tell them that you're wonderful senpai named Sugawara showed you the ropes" Suga said.

"You shouldn't feel bad Y/n-Chan, You have the talent to analyze people and predict them. So if you go there we could get some info by your skills!" Daichi said giving me a head pat. After that, I left to the store to buy me and Akio supplies for the Youth Camp, I went inside to see Hinata eavesdropping on Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. They were talking about sneaking inside the Shiratorizawa camp.

I shook it off and continued with my day. The next day I wore my fluffy hat with my fluffy scarf since I had to wait for 2 weeks for my voice to heal I just spent the day in class and practicing. Day by day I was getting annoyed about not having a voice, when that happens I always punch Akio.

~The Next day~

I woke up super early so I could feed Kuro, Emi, Meissa, and cook food for everyone else. Kohana lives with us meaning I have to use my save up money to pay for a babysitter while Mira, Yasuhiro, Yasahiro, and Masaaki are at school. I went into Akio's room and slam a pillow on his face so he could get ready.

After leaving the house, we met up with Kageyama and made our way to the camp. It took us a while since Kageyama and Akio suck at directions and didn't follow me. So I had to pull them by the ear so we could get there, I then got a text from Mira that Hinata snuck into the Shiratorizawa training camp. I show the boys and they started laughing while I hold in my laugh, I could feel Daichi's presence from all the way over here.

We finally made it with help of my direction, Kageyama and Akio were tired of using their brains and trying to catch up with me. Suddenly someone walks behind us, I quickly move out the way so they could walk. When I saw him I instantly knew who he was, Sakusa Kiyoomi from Itachiyama. I knew he was a germaphobe so I step out the way even more to give him space.

Kageyama and Akio presented their selves but Sakusa didn't care and walk away, I look at the 2 idiots next to me and started walking away. "Y/n-Chan wait for us!" Kageyama said while jogging with Akio to catch up with me. We made it inside and left our bags in our rooms, I waited for them to come so we could walk inside the gym together. 

We gather around where the coach was and I was next to him, "Now then... Let's see you're tired of us old guys talking, so I'll keep it short. The japan Team crumbles before height and strength.  That phrase is pretty outdated now. Skills and talents aren't meant to be had. They're meant to be shown. When you go up against the world, make sure you go berserk. Let's prove to everyone that volleyball is way interesting than they thought. Now if you need any help ask me or your manager for this training camp" he said

"Also she can't talk so she won't use her voice. I hope yall could respect that. Now get going guys, we don't have all-time in the world to practice" He said before sending everyone off 

So this how mute people feel, annoyed and angry about having no voice so people cant hear the. This will suck!

To be continued


Word count: 994

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