Chapter 2: 3 V 3 Match

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"Daichi-Senpai, please I will get along with him but please let me join"

"Are you sure about that?"


"That's what I thought"


I was heading back to the gym to practice with my Senpais when I saw a beautiful woman, I walk up to her and bow "I'm Udai Y/N, Nice to meet you" she then said "Shimizu Kiyoko 3rd, but can call me Kiyoko" "Then you can call me Y/N" I said with a smile "Udai-San lets practice" "Ok coming, nice meeting you again Kiyoko-Senpai" I then ran off.

"So Udai-San what spot did you play in volleyball in middle school?" Said Daichi-Senpai "Call Y/N and I was Wing Spiker and Ace," I said blankly "Wait, Ace you? Please a little short like you couldn't even touch the top of the net even with a jump" Tanak-Senpai said, "Wanna bet on that?" I said with a smirk "Suga-Kun set the ball to Y/N-San" Daichi-Senpai said. We nod and I got in position, I pass to Sugawara-Senpai and got ready to slam the ball, once the ball was in the air I swiftly jump and slam the ball in the air. When I landed on the floor I look at my hand and see it was all red it hurt but it felt good.

I look back to see them with a shocked expression and Tanaka fanboying. I couldn't help but giggle at their faces, they all suddenly turn red and my giggle turns into a laugh.

After Practice

I quickly change into my extra pair of clothes I had, I quickly said bye to my senpais and went looking for Shoyo-Kun and Tobio-Kun. Once I found them I saw them fighting with a blonde tree, I was about to help when I sneeze. "Who in the heaves, sneeze that cute!?" I heard and I quickly hold my nose to not sneeze again. I then started to walk away when I see Shoyo-Kun coming at me at full speed, I quickly reacted and move out of the way. "Udai-San, that hurt" he wined I walk to him and smiled at him and ruffle his super soft hair "Shoyo-Kun you can just run to people and expect them to give you a hug or a high five" I scowled him "Sorry, Udai-San," He said with a slight pout. "Anyway, your spikes are super cool!! You were standing still and then SWOOSH!!! and then OO!!! and BAM!!!" He said while hopping up and down "I know right!" I said with a smile. "How could you understand him, the only thing he said was words," Tobio said, I shrugged "Well good night," I said while waving "Goodnight," They said in unison.

While I was walking down the sidewalk I heard a meow coming from an alley, I look and there I saw a box with 2 black kittens. I look left and right to see if someone was here. Once I was fully sure nobody was here I pick up a box and continued walking back home, once again I stop walking because I heard a distress signal from a nearby tree went to the tree and there I see a baby Blakiston's Fish Owl. I look up the tree to see if there was a nest and didn't see any so I pick carefully and put it on top of the box. Once I got home I quickly gave the owl some seed that I got from the store (They were potato seeds) and pet the top of their head. Then I quickly chop some raw fish and gave them to the twins and scratch the back of their ears, I then went back to the owl and check if it was a girl or boy.

After a while of looking, I finally saw that she was a girl and she really got attached to me. I was thinking of a name when her shining eyes look at me "Meissa!" I told her "Meissa, is going to be your name!" After a while, I heard meowing and I look down to see the twins trying to get my attention. "Do owls and cats get along? Only one way to find out" I was hoping that they didn't fight, to my surprise they didn't. Meissa rubs her head against both the twins and both purr. "Well isn't this my lucky day, I have 2 cats and 1 owl and that reminds me what gender are you little panthers?" I quickly check them and found out that the one with light blue eyes is a female and the one with brown eyes is a male. "What name... Kuro (Ko-ro there's not an O like Kuroo has) and... Emi." Now guys since I don't have beds for yall I will make a blanket bed on the couch," I quickly made a blanket bed and brought my pillow and cover downstairs. I already see my lovely children sleeping and I get ready to sleep as well.

Morning- Brought to you by Kuroo's bed head

I wake up to see Kuro on my face sleeping, I pick him and lad him on my pillow. I check what time it to see its 3 in the morning. I look back to see my children sleeping peacefully, I quickly took photos and ran off to take a shower. After my shower, I made Breakfast and made cook fish for the children I grab 3 small bowls and place the 3 small pieces, and ran to my children to kiss them. I put on my shoes and walk to school ready to show everyone, my cute children. 

I got there at 4:13 A.M (I Forgot what time they suppose to be there so...) nobody was there yet so I decided to take a little nap. At 5:00 A.M I was awakened by Shoyo-Kun and Tobio-Kun. "Good morning Shoyo-Kun, Tobio-Kun." "Morning," They said in unison. A few minutes later Tanaka-Senpai came and open the gym for us. "Tanaka-Senpai, why are you guys practicing so early?" I ask "Y-You call me Senpai?" He asks "Yeah because you're my Senpai," I said with a toothy smile. "The reason why we're here early is that we have to do a volleyball 3 V 3 game so we can join the team" Tobio-Kun answer. "Ah ok, do mind if I help you guys" "Nope, not at all." "Y/N call me Senpai again!!"

Saturday-Brought to you by me staying up to 1 A.M

 As I exit the store I was carrying cat food and Fish for my children. After I drop it off at home I tied my hair into a braid (You always have your hair up in a ponytail) and head to the gym to watch the match. When I got there I saw team Shoyo is winning and not to mention Shoyo's speed and jump. After a while of watching them, score points Shoyo's team won. I heard someone struggling so I quickly look outside and see Kiyoko carrying a box, I went under the box and put it on my shoulder with easier. "Here let me help you, A lady like you shouldn't be carrying something heavy" I tease her I walk into the gym and Suga-Senpai quickly saw me. He tried to help me with the box but before he could I place it down and let Kiyoko do her stuff, I went to Shoyo and show him, my children "How did you get an owl?" He asks while sparkles are around him "Well she was on the ground and I didn't see a nest nearby so I pick her up and brought her home."

He was about to say something when Daichi-Senpai calls us, "Here Y/N-San, this one for you" he gives me a black jacket that said Karasuno High. I gladly accept and put it on, then someone comes through the door and says "We have a practice match with Aoba Johsai, and they ask for 1 request... that Kageyama Tobio will be there as the setter in all the rounds!"

To be continued


1:38 A.M and I'm still not sleepy

Word count: 1348

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