The Library Gets Blown Up

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"Yahhhhhhhhh.." Levi screamed as she was dragged through he bookshelf's.

A tentadril. Dangerous monster, I say. Don't let it drag Ms. Strange to it's mouth. The voice said again.

A black tentacle snapped at Phillip. He jumped back in surprise. 

Probably, a Linear-explosion rune will be ideal. The voice said lowly.

No. Mike thought back. I'm gonna do this myself. No magic.

Just as he turned, a black tentacle snapped at Mike and wrapped itself against Mike's torso. He struggled and struggled but the sappy, wet suctions held him tightly. He smacked against the bookshelf and saw the creature. 

The creature's head was stretched and dark; it had beady, glowing cyan eyes and a sharp mouth with pale white jaws. Levi was only a few metres away from the creature's head and she was screaming. Mike looked at the tiki in his hand. He started whacking it at the monster's tentacle, each hit spurting out wet, soggy, water and making an awfully disgusting squelching noise.

"WARGHHH!" Levi screamed. The monster was right above Levi; she was tied tightly in the tentacle, and unlike Mike, her hands were bound tightly against her waist. She twisted and turned, but just as the monster was about to bite her, a bright, orange glow erupted from Mike's hands. 

He looked at the flame for a second. How did he do that? He then, with all his might, smashed his hands on the tentacle. In a matter of seconds, the tentacle was entirely ignited. The monster's shrill scream echoed through the library. The fire then erupted. It quickly dashed from the tip of the tentacle holding Mike, then it burned completely off the entire tentacle before long. The fire was running towards the creatures' head and then the creature screamed as the flame enveloped it's head. 

Levi was dropped back on the hard, stone floor. Phillip rushed to her side. She was fine, except for a few singes here and there. Before long, Mike teached Phillip how to do the healing spell he did earlier and made him heal himself. 

"Boy, that was mess-"

"You three are in so much trouble." A gravelly, tense voice said in front of them.


Bryan groaned. "So this is capture the flag?" he asked Cecil.

He looked a the clusters of campers running around getting ready. 

"Yeah." Cecil muttered. "We've been a bit... disorganised since the attack last week."

"What attack?"

"Oh nothing, an ambush from a few empousa and dracaenae. A good scare, it was, somebody got injured. Nothing much." Cecil shrugged.

"What's a empousa?"

"Never mind. Come on, the game's starting."

Sherman Yang started barking out orders. "Tanaka, Lacy, go set traps in the left segment, Ellis, rest of Ares and Hephaestus cabin, fend them off in the middle, keep them distracted, Markowitz, take newbie and Hermes cabin to the right, Apollo cabin stays here with me, defending the fort. Lake, you're the last man standing. Guard the flag."

"He sure knows a lot." Bryan muttered to Cecil.

"Yeah, he's been through a lot." Cecil replied. 

Bryan and Cecil then kept quiet and shuffled through the bushes. A few cricket chirped here and there, but not much. 

"Shh... they've got the hunters so don't make a sound..." Cecil whispered.

"THERE THEY ARE! ATTACK!" A female voice croaked.

All of a sudden, it turned from a sneaking to D-Day 2.0. A bunch of girls were screaming their head off and savagely kicked the boys and disarmed the girls. Suddenly, before Bryan could even register what happened, Cecil was sprawled on the floor, groaning in pain, and the rest of the Hermes cabin was either stuck in trees, hung upside down, or bombarded with arrows. 

Then suddenly, the whole world changed. It flipped. It turned upside down. Bryan felt like he was being hit with a mortar and pestle, it hurt a lot. It felt like gravity... somehow... bent? When his eyes finally adapted to the nausea, he saw all the hunters looking sick, drowsy, and they looked like they were about to barf. 

"That's a neat trick." Cecil said as he got back on his feet. 

"Yeah." said Bryan wistfully.

They crept to the enemy's flag, on Zeus' fist. 

"Okay. Half of Hermes, distract them by moving to the centre lane. Other half, go with me to well... capture the flag."

Half of the Hermes cabin nodded and started screaming their heads off like chickens and ran on the battlefield. Sure enough, the enemy was startled by the sudden change of movement. 

"Maybe you could try to fly?" Cecil suggested.

"But-" Bryan shrugged it off. He jumped. Nothing happened. He jumped again. Nothing happened. But when he jumped the third time, he was levitating in the air.

"I- that WORKED!" Bryan screamed.

"Um- that was a bit too loud-" Cecil said sheepishly. As they turned around, the entire Demeter cabin was looking at them. Bryan shrieked and shot up in the air, spiralling upwards. He went upwards, until Bryan saw the flag. He tried to control his flying but not much luck. In the end he fell on his bum, but he got the flag. 


Bryan nodded. he grabbed the flag tightly and shot to the sky again. This time he let his instincts take control and surprisingly, he was super fast. In a matter of seconds he made it back to his base and won the game for his team. Even Sherman Yang was impressed.

"More of that and you'll surpass Reyna!" he bellowed.

Suddenly, while his team was celebrating, a feminine, high-pitch scream erupted from the woods. 

"What was that?" he asked Chiron, who galloped to him.

"I have no idea, we better check it out."

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