Chapter 50 Eyes of Ireland {Part 2}

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Chapter 50 Eyes of Ireland {Part 2}

Over an hour passed when Murtagh appeared outside the doorway. The commotion he brought with him dragged Jamie from the depths of prayer. Without thinking he bent over, desperately wanting to kiss her forehead as she slept, but at the last second he thought better of it. Carefully closing the creaky door behind him, Jamie stood before Murtagh who was tying two plow horses to the broken pen by the barn.

"Where did ye manage to find these?" Jamie laughed as he came over to examine the older animals.

"Oh went on a stroll down the other side of the hill, ran into a few nice folks and after I mentioned the lass I made a trade. The horses on loan while we are here if you go tend to their training stock."

Jamie couldn't help but smile as he became acquainted with his new mount.

"Sounds like a bonnie trade. What about the sacks?" he inquired, gazing at the full saddle bags.

"Ahh I also met the island's tradesman, swapped a few rabbits fer some odds and ends." Murtagh explained, "Now how's the lass?"

"She is asleep."

"Good.... good...while I fix supper I want ye to go and get started fixing up that pen and barn, I hope to be sticking around here for a good while."


For hours Jamie scavenged the dilapidated barn for materials, stumbling thankfully on batches of nails that he could use. In no time at all he had the broken boards of the round pen tacked back up, and the new horses running happily to graze within their safe confines.

While he had moved onto the barn, first repairing the doors; Daniea appeared from the cottage, adjusting a shawl around her shoulders as she made her way back up to the cliffside.

Throwing down his tools, he sprinted towards her in a panic, catching up to her quickly.

"Wait! Please."

Daniea held up a hand in a placating manner.

"Dinna fash." She told him, "I already promised athair that I wouldna do anything until we have said our peace."

A rush of relief flooded Jamie, " That word... athair? I heard ye say it to Murtagh before, what does it mean?"

"It's gaelic."

"No it's not." He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well well.. a language James Fraser doesna know. It's Irish gaelic and Scottish silly." She couldn't help but smile. "It means father, same as it does in Scotland."

He thought for a moment, "Must be the accent."

Her eyebrow rose, not buying his terrible reasoning, and kept walking towards the cliff edge.

"Daniea please don't go up there." he pleaded.

"I want to watch the sunset."

"Then would ye please stay back a bit farther." He motioned towards a long rock sitting near them.

The sadness in his eyes made her nod as she took a seat on the boulder, wrapping her shawl around her tighter.



A thousand things rushed to the forefront of his mind but instead he simply asked, "May I join you?"

"If you like."

Jamie sat down on the ground next to the boulder, trying his best to give her plenty of space. As she gazed out at the sky, he watched her. The sight of her still barefeet, drew his attention as he watched her continually shiver.

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