Chapter Three

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Jamie's grunting soon became increasingly steady as the bumps of the road jostled the horse's strides.

"I hope that hurts worse than you're letting on... you deserve a thrashing for charging into that fight with your bad shoulder." She smirked enjoying the groans coming from behind her.

"Well, wasna much of a choice."

She whipped her head around to glare at him, "Why then don't I believe that?"

"I can handle red coats with no problems even on my worst days, but three one handed is another thing entirely." He boasted.

As the other scotsman began crowding around them she spun back around.

"Besides, you can fix it for me again when we get where we're going." He chortled.

Before she could respond to his ridiculous assumption, Angus, one of the smaller Scotsman stopped the group and raised his flask in her direction.

"Here's to you lass, for giving us a wee bit o' fun... slàinte mhath !" He toasted, passing the flask to the woman.

She couldn't help but smile while taking a nip, allowing the familiar liquid to warm her stomach and help calm her frazzled nerves.

As the night progressed and their pace began to slow, she could feel Jamie's heaviness behind her shift drastically. She stopped the horse, digging her fingers into his plaid in an attempt to keep him in the saddle but her strength was not enough to keep him from falling.

Swiftly she dismounted and feverishly began to try and pull him into a sitting position. Murtagh quickly joined her along with Angus who took his arms and pulled him next to a nearby tree illuminated by the moonlight. She kneeled beside him feeling the warm blood trickle from his re-set shoulder.

"That liar!" She grumbled as she began applying pressure on the wound.

"Is it serious?" Murtagh questioned, a worried look now resting on his face,

"No, I dinna think so but he's lost a lot of blood... I have to clean it to make sure...I need your flask!" She requested Angus who handed it over after taking one last sip.

She slowly changed her position onto Jamie's lap in order to keep him from moving. Calmly she poured the alcohol into the deep wound, bolting upright,

gasping in pain and cursing, Jamie regained consciousness.

"Damn, yer not dead afterall, thought I'd be having the horse all to myself." She joked, releasing the breath she did not know she had been holding..

"You alright lad?" Questioned Murtagh, suddenly relieved.

"I'm fine, just a wee bit dizzy."

"The hell you are! You're bleeding all over the place, you should be with St. Peter." She snapped, "But no, had to be a tough guy and lie, Why? Just tell me why?"

"Didn't hurt." He stated staring back into her emerald gaze.

Without looking away she tore a long strip of cloth from her petticoat and began binding his wound.

"Does it hurt now?" She growled, pulling the bandage tight,

"Aye." He groaned,.

Her smirk returning, " It damned better!"

Moments later she grasped his hand tightly, helping him stand, "Well that is all I can do fer now."

"Thankyou Lass. Truly." He assured.

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