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I'm sitting on the bathroom counter with Lucas hugging my waist and his head nuzzled in my neck. Here's a backstory; I've been feeling very sick these past days, I don't know why. I've been puking a bunch lately but I'd never really thought much of it. I've told my friends about it and they insist I should take a pregnancy test and this is where I am now. If I'm gonna be completely honestly, Lucas and I have been trying.

We only been trying for a month or so, so we shouldn't really expect anything? We've been dating for a few years actually. "Is it ready?" He quietly asks me, it's very muffled. "I don't know, should we check?" He nods and removes his head from my neck. "You wanna check it?" I ask picking up the stick without looking. He quickly shakes his head, "I'm too nervous, you do it." I smile and take a deep breath. "I'm so ready! If it's positive, yay!" He does his little cheer.

I smile and use one of my hands to cup his cheek and give him a little peck on the lips. "Ok, flip it, Cmon." He says softly with a little giggle. He's so hyped up to be a dad. I slowly turn it around only for it to say 'not pregnant' I frown and sigh. "Is.. it a negative?" He asks noticing my sadness, the tone of his voice isn't really hyped anymore. I give him a short sad nod.

"It's ok, baby. Right? I mean, we can always try again." He tries cheering me up. "Yeah, I mean, there're other chances." I shrug while he rubs my arms. "It's ok, babe. We can always try again." He places his lips on mine. "Maybe I'm just sick sick," he nods. "Here, lets go cook dinner." He pulls me off the counter and pulls me into the kitchen. "Let's make fried chicken!"

He says lifting me on the kitchen counter and turning towards the fridge. He opens the fridge and takes out a pack of chicken. "Chicken chicken! Chicken! Chicken chicken!" He chants in a songy tone. "Flour's behind me," I say turning around and getting the flour next to the sugar. "Here," I give him the flour jar. "Thank you, I'll cook tonight." He points to himself. "I'll.. help?" He nods.

Next month~
We're back, back in the bathroom just like last month. His arms wrapped around my waist and his face nuzzled in my neck. "Can we look now?" He asks muffled. "Mm, yes." I lift the stick and take a deep breath. "Am I gonna be a dad?" I shrug. "I didn't look yet," I admit. Finally I turn the stick and once again, it says 'not pregnant' I put the stick down and sigh. "Just like last month, babe." He sighs sharply.

He moves himself away from me and rubs his face. I can obviously sense the sadness energy from him, but yet, he still showed a smile. "It's ok, baby. We can try again." His smile was obviously covering up the big fat frown swiped across his face. "Yeah, yep." I nod and rub my thighs, forcing a little smile. "It's ok baby," he moves his warmth to me and kisses my forehead.

"Let's go cuddle, ok? We can go cuddle." He says moving his hands down to my thighs and wrapping it around his waist. "I'll carry you," he says now moving his hand to my waist and lifting me off the counter. Once we get on the couch he turns the TV on. "I'm sorry," I apologize, he looks at me confused. "Why babe?" He rubs my thigh. "I'm sorry, I can't get pregnant," he shakes his head. "Even if you can't get pregnant, I'll still be here babe." He kisses my temple.

"I love you ok? Don't forget that." He adds quickly. "I love you too." I snuggle in his chest.

The next following month~
Back again but, Lucas isn't here. No he didn't leave, he's just out at the dorms with the other members. He told me to text him if it was a positive or a negative and I told him I would. "Ok, you got this y/n." I encourage myself. I turn the stick and I start to shake, 'pregnant' it reads. I drop the stick in complete shock and I grab my phone from the counter. I quickly text Lucas.

"Positive." Thats all I messaged him.

Lucas POV
*ding* I look at my phone after giggling with the members. 'Positive' I make a confused face and reply, "positive for corona?" She replies quickly, 'no, positive, pregnant.' I drop my phone catching the members attentions. "What's up hyung?" Chenle asks. "I'm gonna be a dad!" I shout and start running around. "Wow, Lucas!" They start cheering for me.

"I gotta go home," I run to the front and grab my jacket. "Yes go!" I rush to slip my shoes on. "See you guys! I'll text y'all of how it goes!" I shout and run out the front door.

I'm pacing around the room because it's been 10 minutes since he's replied and I'm kind of freaking out. I hear keys rattling outside of my apartment door and see the locks turning. The door busts open with a excited Lucas standing there. "Hey babe," he takes off his shoes quickly and runs towards me. "Woohoo!" He jumps and wraps his arms around my waist.

Next thing I know is I'm getting smothered in a bunch is kisses. "I'm so fucking happy!" He shouts. "I can see that," I laugh. Lucas lifts me up and starts spinning me around. "Babe-" he stops and puts me down, "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "It's ok," he places another kiss on my cheek. "I can't wait to tell my parents." He says with a great full sigh. "I can't wait either." I giggle.

"After many months of trying, we finally did it," I say clapping my hands. "Yeah! We did it! We need to move into a bigger apartment! Maybe even a house." He shrugs. "Maybe honey, maybe." I boop his nose. He places another kiss but instead it's on my lips.

- end :]

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