A lost friend

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Good day, people of the internet!
I am pleased to announce I have decided to finish this story.  It deserves an ending. So I will make a few more chapters to finally fish this story.

Postings will mostly be slow so please bare with me. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

P.S: please forgive any spelling mistakes. Thank you.

Flug and Felix sat on the big bed and talked about what they had been through while Flug was gone.

"After you left, my father decided it was time for me to begin my studies to become the next king." He said staring into space; lost in memory.

"His teaching technique was harsher than it should have been but I think I learned what I needed from the jerk." He said looking back at Flug.

Flug remembered how Felix's dad was. He was abusive and controlling. His mom wouldn't do anything to stop his father from the attacks. Felix would go to him when he wanted to talk about something bothering him. So Flug knew how bad it was when Felix said "harsh".

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..." Flug apologized. He held Felix's hand in his.

"Heh, it's okay. You're here now! Just next time tell me where you go to hide? Speaking of leaving, why did you leave?" Felix's said with a sad look. Flug knew it would hurt Felix when he left.

"I couldn't stay in one place for too long. They would have found me eventually. And they don't care if they kill a whole planet to get to me. I didn't want you to get hurt because of me." Flug said. His soulfire hurt for Felix. He didn't want to hurt him.

Felix stared into Flug's eyes for a moment in silence. Flug stared back and he could see Felix fighting off tears. Those bright blue eyes were full of pain. Flug felt guilty for leaving. Staying away from him wasn't easy for him either but he wouldn't bring that up now.

"Okay...*sniff* I think Chef is ready with lunch. Let's go get you something to eat." Felix said standing up and gently pulled Flug after him.

They walked out of the room and into the long, tall hallway. There were a few doors down the halls but they passed them all to get to a staircase leading down. Felix took Flug down them and they were greeted by more halls and a few servants. When the servants saw him they smiled and Flug smiled back and waved. He barely recognized them as the servants that would watch him and Felix as children. They didn't seem to change at all with time.

Felix and Flug made it to the kitchen and it was huge! You could fit thirty people in it and there would still be room for more! There were ovens, sinks, cabinets, countertops, and pans that hung from over the stoves. Three chefs were cooking at the moment and one caught a glimpse of Felix and greeted him.

"Evening, your Highness. To what do we owe the pleasure?" She asked.

"Is lunch ready?"

"Almost, sir. We are now plating the dishes as we speak." She said while gesturing to the plates on the countertops.

Felix nodded then looked to Flug."Is there something you would like to go with the lunch?" He asked.

Flug could smell the delicious food and was overcome with a hunger he hadn't realized was there until now. He was familiar with the dishes they served when he was a child but these were different. There were different types of fish that were presented with garnish and flavors, a red soup that was thick and topped with a leaf of some type of herb, and lastly were these small little edible figures made of different pieces of food, held together with wooden skewers in funny little poses.

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