Chap 29 - The Shift

Start from the beginning

"FINE! I WILL COME THERE IN A FEW MINUTES!" I growled before storming up the stairs.

I went to our room and took a really quick shower and wore a t-shirt and sweatpants before racing down the stairs and outside the house not really caring about my hair.

I heard the sound of growls and other voices. I raced there and saw Artorius and Luciano in wolf form. Luciano is trying to attack Kail as the poor child cried in pain and Artorius is trying to put Luciano away. I ran towards the fight and took my baby in my arms.

"mommy. It hurts." he whimpered. He was bleeding so badly. I was about to run towards the hospital when I was attacked from behind. I saw Kail gly out of my hands.

"KAIL!!!" I screamed. I tried to push whoever it was on me away. But he/she held me down.

I saw a fast movement from the crowd. And Alessia appeared before Kail fell. So he fell right into her arms.

Everyone looked at Alessia in shock because of her unusual speed. She moved like a vampire. But we already know that she isn't one.

The person on top of me flipped us and punched me on my face. I winced as her fist made contact with my face. Marigold growled in my mind. Clearly not happy about what happened to our pup. Kail might not be ours. But he wilk be ours in our heart. Forever.

I looked at the person's face and wasn't surprised. Of course it's the bitch. Bianca.

I raised my fist to punch her but she grabbed my head and slammed me down on the ground hard. I growled in pain.

I saw Artorius and Luciano fight. They both had bruises.

I kicked her leg making her fall and got up. I punched her face. It was like a repeat of the bitch fight we had. But the difference was that she went for kill every single time this time.

"ENOUGH!" a loud snarl made us all quiet.

I looked at where the sound was coming. My eyes widened as I saw Darius. Luciano's beta holding my crying son in one hand and the other holding Alessia's hands in a tight grip.

"I know your little secret Alpha Aerowyn! I know who this Alessia is! I caught her!" he snarled.

"you have an angel with you! How?! Angels are not supposed to be on earth! I will kill her! She is on forbidden territory! They live up above the sky! Land is for other kinds!" he growled. A chorus of gssps erupted through the crowd.

What?! No!

Marigold snarled.

"and let my Alpha go! Or else... or else your little pup will die too." He said. My eyes went wide.

"LET THEM GO!" I snarled. Bianca tried to attack me, but was tackled to the ground by Esmeralda. They immediately started fighting.

I won't lose Kail. I won't lose Alessia again. It will kill me.

"no. The angel will die! As for your precious son, you have to leave my Alpha!" Darius smirked. I turned around and saw that Artorius is still holding down a furious and berserk Luciano.

"Luciano is berserk right now! We can't just let him go!" I growled.

"then lose your son!" he shrugged. "NO!" I let out a thunderous growl as Marigold pushed forward. I knew by now my eyes are red. Blood red. Another chorus of gasps echoed.

"this isn't right, Darius! We can talk this out. Please." I tried to control my beast. But Marigold is at the verge of shifting already.

"there is no time to talk!" he said venomously.

'let me take control! Let me shift Aerowyn!' Marigold growled.

"Kail is innocent! You can't just kill an innocent kid!" I yelled. "well his safety is at your feet! Choose wisely! I don't care if he dies or not!" he yelled back. It felt like a stab to my heart. I felt tears well up in my eyes as he squeezed Kail's neck a bit making him cry out.

"as for the angel. She doesn't have a choice."

"no! You can't kill her! She didn't do anything wrong!"

"she came to land! To a place where she doesn't belong!"

"she was one of us before she died!"

"is it my fault that she died?"

"there is no difference between any supernatural being! We are all the same! You are not a god or anything! You ate just a beta! You can't decide who can live on land and who can't!" I screamed.

"I'm a lycan like your stupid second mate! I'm not just a beta! Like him, I have royal blood in me too! So I have power!" he screamed making my breath knock.

A lycan.

Then suddenly he smirked. "I gave you enough time. It's time to say goodbye go these two."

All I saw was red then. I did something I'm going to regret later. But for now. For now I didn't care.

I jumped into the air shifting into my Golden wolf.


2030 words.

Sooo.. Do you like this chap?

What do you think of Marigold?




Luciano and Bianca?


And what do you think will happen now? After all she shifted. In front of everyone.

What do you think Artorius will think of the situation now?

Love 😍

Shai 🥀

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