His Favorite Way To Cuddle you-

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Jay of son

He ADORES spooning you. And he HAS to be the big spoon! How else would be protect you Y/n? You're so small and delicate! All his enemies, which include slashers, will charge at you if it means hurting him. And he refuses to let that happen. So just let him do this!

The Shape

You have to lay on his chest to listen to his heartbeat to keep you asleep. He'll run his fingers through your hair mindlessly till he falls asleep feeling your small hands on his scared abdomen. He has to feel you, to keep his nightmares at bay and to reassure him that you haven't left. 

Babie Bubba

He is the little spoon always, his face buried in your chest happily feeling your soft skin in hands and on his bare face. He loves it and can only sleep like that.


Billy and Stu never let you sleep alone, at all. Stu would lift your top and nuzzle into your stomach, wrapping his arms around your upper torso. You'll have your hands in the top of his head, running your hands through his curly hair. All the while Billy has his arms around your waist-Stu uses Billy's arm as a pillow- and he's nuzzled his face into your neck, intertwining your legs with his and Stu's. You lay on your side, sleeping on your fluffy pillows under 3-4 layers of thin blankets.


After you got married he would spoon you, because before he slept in a different bedroom entirely. He's very much old fashioned. But he loves being the little spoon, when you hold him and rub his back. He lays his head on your tummy and you rub the back of his head and neck. He will instantly fall asleep.


He is very tall so he lays on his back with one hand on your butt, his other arms and hand are holding you close throughout the night, happily sleeping the best he ever has slept in all his years.

Jeepers Creepers

He has wings my friend. And hell let you curl up in his chest and then once your comfortable with a blanket covering your legs, his wings will wrap around you and act like a blanket. And since he just refuses to sleep incase you get hurt, you lull him to bed by rubbing his arm for an hour or two, it makes him so sleepy, so you both sleep peacefully.


He enjoys spooning! And he rotates between the big and little spoon, you both have a conversation about who wants to be the little spoon and then you'll curl up together and fall asleep almost instantly.

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