New Character! Yautja:

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How you met:
You accidentally wandered onto his ship, and he locked you up for some sort of trial. You didn't understand anything and he was called in to defend you? 

You were deemed innocent and let go. After 3 weeks of trying to make them all see you were innocent, and he really did not like you going home. He had grown fond you. You were small and cute. 

Meeting again:
He followed you home and watched you for maybe an hour before you saw him. You waved cautiously, intriguing him more. You had the nerve to interact with him.

Getting closer:
He slid into your window and chittered at your strange Ooman technology. He almost purred when you slid in front of him, gently pressing into his back, to show him how you computer worked.

Realizing his feelings:
He was never sure why he was fond of you instead of other females. He soon realized that he had unintentionally chosen you as his mate, and that was why he was fond you you. You Oomans had called it being "In love" with someone. 

He had told you instantly, well after you asked. "Hey.. why are you so fond of me?" He shrugged "I have chosen you as a mate small one." You sputtered, making him jump in concern. "What? You- you're in love with me?" He nodded. "Whatever you Oomans call it."  

"Well Uhm I'm glad." You spoke, grabbing his rough and clawed hand. 

First date:
He really wanted to try what you called "Netflix" and watch whatever these "Movies" were, so you offered to get him some human food to try as well. 
It was very odd seeing him things like popcorn, but your favorite thing he tried was taffy. It kept getting stuck on his mandibles

Who they defend you from:
Well nobody really messes with you, since he said that most mates live together on his ship with everyone else. You were nervous, but it went pretty smoothly, so nobody can really mess with you unless they want to face the wrath of your very protective mate. 

You on their birthday:
He flat out refused to let you celebrate his day of birth, since in his culture it is nothing to celebrate. You do celebrate the day he officially became a celebrated hunter. It's usually some sort of mating, or a feast depending on his rank in his hunting party.

Them on your birthday:
You had explained to him why birthdays were celebrated, but didn't want him to do anything, but he refused. Much like Edward Cullen, he said something along the lines of 'your life is something to celebrate daily small one' but thankfully, he didn't make the whole ship celebrate, it was just you two, eating together and possibly mating. 

You get kidnapped:
More like some rouge member of his hunting party tried to throw you off the ship into the vacuum of space.  You were lucky he was near by to save you, and report the member of his party to the elders. (Said member was infact killed for treason. Since it is law in his culture that mates cannot be brought into fights or anything of that sort. Mates are top priority in his culture.)

Who said 'I love you first':
You did, it was a particularly rough session of mating when you totally in the moment said it. He stopped for moment, making you whine. He slowed down a little but not slow enough for you to notice. 

Afterwards he was cradling you in his arms, wiping your tears, he was being very rough after all, when he spoke softly by your ear. "Did you mean it?" He asked, nuzzling your cheek gently, causing you to smile. "Mean what?" You giggled curling up further into his arms. "That you love me little one." You glanced up him straight faced and he feared the worst. "Yeah, I thought you knew that?" You suddenly were pulled into his chest, as deep rumbly purrs filled the room. "I love you too little one." He chittered quietly, lulling you asleep him following suite.

His first thoughts after meeting you:
'Such a strange little Ooman..'

Interruptions during sex:
You don't get interrupted. Any functioning Yuatja knows when you are mating, because the door is locked, they'll walk away and come back later. Mating is a very serious thing in their culture. 

Dom or Sub?:
It is in his DNA to dominate other females in his species, so there is no chance of you being on top unless he's guiding you on something.

How others feel about your relationship:
Your parents: Oh that mystery boy she went off the grid with? He's seems lovely! I hope we could meet him One day! 

Meeting his slasher friends:
He doesn't have any slashers he would call friends. But he does like Norman, he has a soft spot for him. But doesn't bother him too much since he scares Norman. But he likes to visit once in a while.

Your Insecurities:
You two are in a inter-species relationship. So you get worried he'll leave you for a female in his own species. But he assures you that you are the one he wants. Since Males can choose mates, he choose you and he loves you.

How they propose:
He didn't really ask. He just took you to his home planet where the elders and gods blessed your relationship, allowing you both to get married. You were married by his laws, spending the night and next day there, showing you his home world.

Jealousy levels:
100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 /10
Remember he took you to his home world and the two of you got married that is incredibly rare in his species, which means he sees you as his soulmate.

Names in your phones:
He doesn't have a phone. You're still trying to convince him to get one.

His: Alien Bf
Yours: Little one

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