His reaction to his movie(s)-

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Son of Jay

How DARE they show his face! On Y/n can see that! And the space one? Absolutely awful and unrealistic! And the weird nipple...sex part in the space one? GROSS.
(Just...look uo on like YT 'Jason X nipple scene' if you haven't seen it or something. It's weird.)
And his mother's voice is not cold and harsh! She's warm and loving! Just like she always was! God these people are stupid!
It'll take so much convincing on your behalf to not track them down and kill them.
He does like that Kane guy who played him though, well he wants him as a punching bag.

Mikey my-my

His face is sacred! Only you are allowed to see it. And those who aren't you who did see it have died! He huffed about that until the Rob Zombie movies.
The past version of him is accurate to his life as a child so through out he is tense of curled up in your lap listening to your heartbeat to remind him that it's okay.
He did like the head stomp in the newest update of it though! He for sure made plans to kill someone like that, It was very creative and something he hadn't done.

Texan Boi

Were they watching him?! How did they know about all this?!
But when he saw the flashbacks of his birth mother he did cry some. So maybe skip that part, but other than that he's okay with it. 

But he did like some aspects of the movies. Like how they included his whole family, and how he had a daughter. But not the rape part. You think Momma would let him get away with something as bad as that?! He isn't a monster(in that light anyways)! 

And Hoyt isn't that bad.. some of the time.


Who the hell are these guys in the sequels? I mean the sequel was pretty good, but the third one? Really legit anyone else could have been a better Ghostface. Stu through out the third one had this butthurt and offended look on his face, while Billy was clearly unamused, contemplating why he was still there. But you were happy, so they stayed for fourth, and were quite pleased. The fourth one was pretty good.

Norma and Babie

He enjoyed it actually! Sure it was a little scary seeing him in a movie, but he was happy to watch them with you.
He however, did not enjoy the opening scenes! You were only person(other than himself!), he was okay with having sex! See when you two do it, its fine! Because you love each other and that's how you express it at times. He was very confused when you went straight to the 4th one, but you explained it was the one that had real lore and contributed to the timeline. 

Seeing his relationship with his mother made him frown, you had improved their relationship so much it hurt to see it like that.

Owns a white van, claiming to have candy.

Just....no. You two had been married for less than a day, you were on your honeymoon and decided to relax and watch TV and they were on.
He got up to "change" he came  back with his favorite toys to tease you with. He wanted your attention and needed you. And this was the best way to get what he wanted. He didn't care for the movies. He wished they didn't exist. After all it was watching him obsess over his old obsession with his true love. So giving you pleasure is the best way to distract you.


Little one if you wanted to hear his battle stories why didn't you just ask him to tell you? He will however, gladly watch them with you. He likes to puff his chest out and purr. Yes little one, that's him. Your so lucky you didn't get some other male. He couldn't have made you this proud! He is clearly the only male worth your presence! See this trophy? It's from this scene! See how worthy it is?  

Jeepers Creepers! Where'd you get those eyes?

Why did they make him....slimy? He is not slimy! Little mate why di watch this un-true nonsense?
What? You like watching these when he's away? To make you feel closer to him? Well why didn't you say so!
After these revelations, he loves these movies! Why? Little mate you should know why! They make you happy and he lives to make you happy!
He'll happily purr to help you fall asleep after the movies and decides to go to bed himself. Lucky his skin wasn't slimy and more like human skin than in said movies.

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