Chapter 5 ~ I'll be Home for Christmas~

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I gave my best friend a look as the crackhead in front of us sat there on the kitchen island stool.

"Ask for his name yourself." I whispered to Danny. My best friend just smiled, probably feeling honored that he was able to ask the crackhead in front of us anything at all.

"Hi, I'm Danny... What's your name Mr. Crackhead?" Danny asked. I whacked Danny upside the head. Danny just looked back and took a breath.

"I'm George Michael, an honor to meet you." He said, placing his hand out for Danny to shake. But Danny never shook it. Instead, he stood there with his arms crossed.

"Kaya... This man HAS to be a crackhead or something. He thinks he's George Michael from the 1980's band Wham." The blue eyed boy looked to me, an annoyed sound in his voice. I hadn't really seen him like this before.

"Yes! I am from Wham!" George pointed out, that award winning smile back on his face.

"You know... there's such a thing as plastic surgery, Kays. And you can change your name." Danny told me. I gave him a look and pushed it aside.

I kept switching my eyes back and forth from Danny and George. From my observation, it seemed as Danny didn't trust George. I mean, neither did I, but I still wanted to be nice.

"How about we show some proof that he's this man anyways." I replied, searching him up.

It showed a photo of a well groomed man. His smile could cure cancer, his hair poofy. It looked exaxtly like George in front of us.

Danny and I looked up and down, comparing similarities from the online photo.

"In this picture he's smiling," Danny whispered to me. He snapped at George to get his attention. "Hey can you smile real quick?" Danny asked him. George did what he was told.

"Oh my gosh... Kays I think he spent a LOT of money on plastic surgery... " Danny told me. I looked George up and down. 

"You looked him up and down Kaya...
Does that mean you want to know his dick size?" Danny asked me sarcastically. I gave Danny a weird look. He nodded.

"Hey whats your DI-" I whacked Danny upside the head once more and he looked at me.

"Ow...." he mumbled. I pointed at his bedroom and he smiled.

"Fine, fine I'll go to bed. Geez." He laughed, walking his way over to his bedroom. I heard the door close and I sat down on the couch, groaning.

I heard footsteps and I looked up to see George, who gave me a look of sympathy. "You alright?" He asked, sitting down oppositely to me.

"Yeah I'll be okay. I'm just feeling a little weird. My Aunt is in the city, my best friend is an acting lunatic... but that's normal, and I meet a random guy not even an hour ago and I let him in my home." I pointed at George. He bit his lip.

My eyes widened. "Not that it's a bad thing! You seem real sweet!" I told him. George just laughed and shook his head.

"I didn't have any offense taken. I just hope you feel better sooner or later. If I could be of any assistance... I could try to help." The man in front of me said, rubbing a hand sympathetically on my thigh.

I looked down at his hand awkwardly when he all of a sudden realized what he was doing. "Oh I'm sorry I thought that would help but it probably didn't make you feel any better..." He said, his face was red with embarrassment. I just laughed.

"No no it's fine. It's completely fine. You should see what the guys Danny used to bring over did... they were.. ahh." I told him. George nodded.

"Yeah I've been there. So Danny's gay I assume? He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Good ole gay Danny! Are you gay? I mean... not to be rude but if you are Danny's gonna be overjoyed." I asked George. He just shook his head.

"Oh I go by bisexual, but I wouldn't say that I'd ever be into your friend Danny. Although he seems wonderful." George replied. He looked down at his hands.

"So you date women and men?" I asked him, smiling kindly. He bit his lip, thinking about it.

"I don't really date women. Or men, obviously. But I've slept with them." He said, his gaze meeting mine. I nodded.

"I mean..if it makes you feel better, I haven't slept with anyone before." I told him. He gave me a small smile and I placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay to feel like that. You can't control who you love, and if anything, I'm here for you." His small smile became bigger and brighter.

"Danny used to sleep with one man at least every night. We used to get complaints back in our old apartment. Especially me... I grew tired of hearing the moaning and groaning... and thats why I got my own place. Of course Danny still comes by and such, but other than that I feel like I don't have a weight." I told George. He nodded understandingly.

"I'm glad you don't have that weight. You didn't deserve it." He replied, giving me a sympathetic smile. I gave him one in return.

"And here I am talking with a man I met an hour ago who might have Memory Loss.." I mumbled, taking a breath. George just gave a smirk.

"Well we don't have to be strangers. My name is George Michael, I'm 21, my favorite color wavers, I'm from England, I'm a singer/songwriter, and I love Christmas music," he stopped there and shrugged. "See.. we're not strangers anymore." He gave me a shrug

I laid my head on the arm of the couch and laughed. "I guess we're not." Was all I said before I drifted off to sleep.

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