Chapter 2 ~ Sleigh Ride ~

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I placed the shops sign to "Closed" as I locked up for the night. I walked outside, locked the doors, and began making my way down to the Multistory Parking Lot. I walked my way to the 2nd story where my Camaro was parked. I pressed a button on my keys, unlocking the car.

I opened the drivers side and got in, taking off my gloves. I pressed a button on the car, hearing the sweet sound of the engine. The doors automatically locked and I began to back out of the lot.

"Hey Kaya." I heard a voice say. I let out a loud piercing scream and I turned around. In the backseat, I saw a wide-eyed Danny who was eating peanut butter out of the jar.

"Ay caramba, it's just me Kays. Don't have to scream." The boy said, climbing into the front seat. I gave the angriest breath I possible could and rested my head on the steering wheel.

"How the HELL did you get into my car?" I asked Danny, my angry gaze moving to his. He licked the peanut butter off the spoon and just shrugged.

"I picked the lock with a needle I found on the ground. Besides, I only got in here like 2 hours ago." He said, his mouth full of more peanut butter.

"You've been in my car for 2 hours? Why didn't you come into the coffee shop?" I questioned him. Danny just shrugged.

"It's boring when you just lock and clean the shop. And I knew you'd come into your car sooner or later." He said, moving his mouth to dislodge some leftover peanut butter.

"And it's not boring to just sit in a car for 2 hours?" I asked him. I just gave him a confused stare.

He smiled. "It's not boring. I barked at 20 people who came to check out your car." He proudly remarked, holding a grin. I just blinked at him and shook my head, continuing to pull out of the lot.

"So Kaya, heard your Aunt Tina is in the big city! She visiting us for Christmas?" The blue eyed boy asked, a big smile on his face. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Yeah. Yeah she is. Quite exciting actually. Haven't seen her in almost 3 years. I mean, we moved out when we were 18, I'll be 21 in March... so yeah, almost 3." I told Danny. The boy next to me smirked through his peanut butter filled mouth.

"I'm glad she's in the city. I need some relationship advice anyways. And you should hear some of it! You could use it!" Danny said, punching my shoulder.

"Oh come on," I started off, stopping at a red light, "why is everyone practically telling me to get a boyfriend?" I asked him. Danny gave me an annoyed look.

"You've been single for 20 years Kaya... 20! We don't want you single for a lifetime. That would just be.. depressing." Danny replied, catching my glance.

"There's nobody in this generation who I would EVER find my type. Everyone is just so... agh..." I couldn't find my words. But I supposed Danny got what I meant because he sent a smirk my way.

"Okay... how about in another generation... like in one before us..." Danny gave me a smile so big that it made me think that he had wanted our conversation to shift to this for a while.

"Uhh.. Danny what?" I asked, confused.

"Oh come on. Like you wouldn't want to get railed by Paul McCartney?" He asked, sending me a sarcastic tone. I just looked at him and blinked. I looked back as the light turned green and I started moving again.

Danny looked genuinely offended and he placed a hand on his heart, "Wait.. you WOULDN'T want to be railed by Paul McCartney?" He asked, looking me up and down.

I shook my head. "I mean, I have nothing against Mr. McCartney, but I'm not exactly looking for someone who I can just make love to. You know me Danny, I'm very slow. But I'd hope you enjoy railing Paul." I told him. Danny held back a laugh.

"You know, I could see you and John Lennon together. Or maybe Ringo. I don't know. Can't choose." He said once more before stuffing another spoonful of Peanut Butter down his throat.

"Believe me, if I were with either of them, I'd drop them off in your room and you would have fun with them." I told him sarcastically. Danny just gave a daydreamed look.

"Honestly.. if you did that.... I'd be so thankful... you wouldn't hear the end of it." He said, a small smile laying on his face.

"Oh please spare the details." I teased him. He just chuckled.

"Your loss, Waters." He said. He went to go dig for another scoop of Peanut Butter and he just frowned.

"Damn it.. Kays can we stop by Target and grab some Peanut Butter?" Danny asked, giving me an innocent smile.

My eye twitched and I turned to look at him. His smile turned into an even bigger one.

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